60. You're my fate

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Author's POV

''Haraboji ?''
''Annyeong y/n, long time.'' Hyeonuiong spoke giving a sweet smile.
''What are you doing here ?'' Yeon asked Hyeonuiong.
''Umm, let's talk at a safe place shall we ?''

At Rang's,

''Did you check on Soo ho ?'' Y/n asked looking at Rang who entered the living room.
''Yeah, he's asleep.'' He replied taking a seat near y/n.
''Why are you here ?'' Rang asked Hyeonuiong with no intention of offending him. He was just curious.
''How have you been y/n ?'' Hyeonuiong asked ignoring Rang's question.
''I've been.... Good.'' Y/n said trying not to sound dull.
''Aigoo, you've grown up so much. Im sorry I couldn't visit you earlier. I hope im not too late.'' At this point everyone in the room was intently listening to him.

''Aniya haraboji, you're not late. Im glad I could finally meet you.''
''Since when are you two close ?'' Ji ah curiously asked since she is the only one who doesnt know much about y/n's past.
''Since, the past.'' Y/n spoke briefly.
''Ofcourse. Y/n was the darling kid at Granny and 'haraboji's' place. She used to be more at their place than her home ; made her father go crazy looking for her.'' Yeon added the end looking at y/n declaring her a mischievous kid.

''But y/n and Granny were more close right ?'' Rang asked in a taunting tone looking at Hyeonuiong taking a point for ignoring him.
''Is he always like this ?'' Hyeonuiong whispered which was quite audible to everyone in the room.
''Yeah, he's pretty much like this most of the time.'' Ji ah joined Hyeonuiong until Yeon cleared his throat.
''So, what is going on ?'' He asked turning the air in the room tense.

''The accident that was about to happen before, it was on purpose.'' Hyeonuiong spoke making Rang go pale.
''What do you mean ?'' He asked his blood running cold.
''The after life deities had a meeting. They know the Imoogi is inside y/n. They want to end this threat to the world by pre-poning y/n's death.''
''They want to kill y/n ?'' Ji ah asked baffled.
''That's once way to put it but yeah.'' When no one said anything Hyeonuiong added,

''Your granny was against it, obviously. She had a huge argument with them. Given her temper, she's now on bad terms with everyone. She foresighted the accident and sent me to you.''
''But how long can one beat death....'' Y/n murmured inaudibly.
''I need to do something about this.'' Rang spoke in a stern voice as he stood up from the chair.
''And what are you going to do ? Fight with the deities ?'' Hyeonuiong spoke.
''If I have to.'' Rang had no thoughts of turning back now.
''Rang, we talked about this.'' Y/n said in a low voice with pleading eyes as she held onto his hand making him sit back down.

''Dont worry, granny must be looking into it right ?'' Ji ah asked Hyeonuiong earning a nod from him.
''But wouldn't this put her in a difficult position ?'' Y/n asked concerned.
''She'll be fine. She's king Hades sister after all. Though she's scary enough alone.'' Hyeonuiong spoke lightening the atmosphere.
''Then what are we supposed to do ?'' Rang asked still anxious.
''For now, y/n's safety is priority. She should stay at home for the time being. My wife probably needs time to think about this until tomorrow. I'll immediately inform you all if something happens.''

With that Hyeonuiong took leave as y/n walked with him to the door while everyone else was still seated at the table thinking about their next move.

''Gomavo haraboji. For every thing. I can't thank you and Granny enough for what you guys have done for me.'' Y/n spoke giving a genuine smile.
''Dont thank us child. Who else would we do this for if not for you. Be careful & Dont lose hope. Always remember, 'At the end of the darkness,''
''Shines the moonlight'.'' Y/n completed as Hyeonuiong patted her head.
''Y/n, dont get me wrong child. I just want the best for you. Are you sure about Rang ?'' Hyeonuiong asked to which y/n looked at Rang to find him already looking at her worriedly. She couldn't help but let a smile creep on her face.
''Trust me haraboji, I couldn't be anymore sure.''

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