30. Behind the door

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Author's POV

Y/n, Ji ah, Sae rom, Jae hwan & Tae suk were now at the President's house for dinner. Earlier between Y/n and Rang, before y/n could say anything her phones ringing saved her. And she left saying she is busy while Rang, he felt better now that he had confessed his feelings to y/n. He felt that slowly things in his life are getting better. Maybe he has some hope now.


And here we were, at the infamous house of the ''network president''. I still don't understand what's so great about it. Thankfully I wasn't the only one who thought that way. Ji ah too agreed with me. But for me I guess it was just too much. I don't know, it's like I had a personal grudge with him in my past life or something.

Do hwa didn't come. Of course he would avoid me now. He's acting like this when he doesn't know that Rang fricking confessed to me about his feelings. But is that really true though ? Did he really mean it or was he just joking around ? I mean why me of all people ? I have a lot of questions for you Rang but earlier I was too flustered to ask anything. I just wanted to get out of his sight. Just the way he looks at me makes me feel.... Different.

''Don't touch it. It has a special meaning to me.'' The president's voice interrupts my thoughts of Rang as I instinctively look around to gather the situation going on around me.

''I see. Im sorry.'' Tae suk-ssi apologized but for what ? Guess I need to stop zoning out. It's gonna get me killed one day, im sure of it.

''I only have two rules in my house. One, don't touch the ground cherries, don't blow on it either. Second, you cannot go up to the second floor.'' Ah, looks like Tae suk-ssi touched the plant kept on this table. It's quite a weird looking ground cherry plant. Not like the one's i've seen before. Appa always said it was bad luck, that it would bring out a snake. Appa and his never ending stories. I used to never believe them, now I miss them unconditionally.

''Why not the second floor ? Is someone there ?'' Ji ah spoke my mind.
''No, I live alone.''
''Anyways, he told us not to go there, so we shouldn't.'' Tae suk-ssi instructed, more specifically looking at me. I don't blame the old man, he knows me well.

Author's POV

''Where is Shin ju ?'' Yeon asked walking towards Rang who was sitting on a chair waiting for him. When Shin ju didn't pick up Yeon's calls, he knew something was off and called Rang when the latter asked him to meet him.
''He's alive.'' Rang replied.
''Don't take it out on him. If you have something to say, just talk to me directly.''
''You must care for him a lot.''
''I care for him a lot than my younger brother who's still going through puberty ever since the Joseon Dynasty.''

''Why did you put a tail on me ?'' Rang asked getting up.
''I guess we're both not the type to beat around the bush. Why did it have to be an imoogi ?''
''You finally found out ?'' Rang asked excited.
''There are many ways to harm me. So why did it have to be that ?''
''I figured it'd be interesting to reenact your past. As you know im an aesthete.''
''Does he have something on you ?'' Yeon asks making Rang silent.
''I guess he does.'' He added.
''We both give and take so i'd call it a contract.''

''Listen to me carefully, there are people you should never make deals with.'' Yeon tries to make Rang understand.
''I need to make a living too.''
''It's not too late to stop. If you don't stop now it'll come at a price.''
''What are you talking about ?''
''Y/n. Do you even know what you're doing and the consequences that come with it ? Things that she and you will have to face ?''
''Y/n ? What about her ? Can't you speak clearly ?!''

''That day we were on Eohwa island, when you planned the ritual to bring out the imoogi. You found y/n near the well right ?''
''So what ?''
''Ji ah didn't shed a single drop of blood that day. Her blood wasn't the one which awakened the Imoogi.''

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