Chapter 21

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When morning came, sun rays were already leaving warm prints on the beige carpet. Ash's feet felt warm every time they crossed the yellow bands of light on the floor. She was excited- it was the first time she'd be going on a social outing. Was it with people her own age? No, it was with her foster dad's coworkers, but it was a start. 

It was also the first time she would be wearing out clothes other than a business-casual button down and sweater or sweatpants with a wrinkled t-shirt. How did Spencer feel about crop tops? Ash didn't know. It was possible when he let her buy them, he thought they would be longer than they were. But most of the casual cropped t-shirts she had gotten went just above her lower ribs. 

There were options now. Ash wasn't used to so many options. She knew she had the clothes now, but had yet to have an opportunity to wear them. 

It took a whole ten minutes to settle on an outfit. A white crop top that tied around her back, with a black Rock N' Roll logo. A pair of high-waisted jeans, black on one half and pink plaid on the other- a chain hanging from the belt loops on her left side. A thin black bomber jacket. A pair of Solovair shoes. 

When Ash walked into the bathroom, she looked at herself in the mirror. She looked different. Not grimy and too-skinny and dirty, not cleaned up and ready for an interview for an internship at the FBI, not covered in old pajamas she spilled corn dog crumbs on. 

It was one of the first times she really felt like herself. Of course, she loved the outfits she wore to the FBI headquarters. They were comfortable, easy to pick out, and looked nice. But this was casual, it really showed the individual expression in Ash's style. 

Ash felt good about what she was doing and how she looked. Until she walked into the hallway. Spencer was already in the kitchen, writing quickly at the kitchen counter.

Would he tell her the outfit looked bad?

That it wasn't appropriate?

That she needed to change or not go at all?

Ash carefully walked into the kitchen area, across the low-set counter from Spencer. She silently prepared herself for any comments. 

"Hey, I made waffles, you need to eat before you leave," was his only statement. 

The young girl nodded before accepting the plate he held out to her. She was still apprehensive, but began eating as she sat down. Ash signed Thank you, to Spencer before crunching into the waffle. 

"I'm not sure exactly what they have planned." Spencer looked up every so often from his papers. "Shopping, I'm sure. It's actually a well-studied form of bonding, particularly between women in social and familial groups. Otherwise, I'm sure Garcia can tell you more when she comes to pick you up."

What time should I return? Ash asked with her hands.

"You'll be with the team, so I'm secure in letting you stay out with them until the four of you decide you're finished. If you want to leave earlier than they do, you can definitely tell them or text me," the doctor nodded at her. "Here."

Spencer reached over the counter with a small navy blue card. It had his name and a series of numbers in metallic letters. 

Thank you, Ash signed, How much?

"Don't worry about money right now." Spencer's brows turned inwards just slightly as he faced a particularly difficult section on his work report. "We'll talk more about that on future outings. For now, focus on having fun with the others. Just let me know if you need anything."

Ash nodded again. Thank you, she repeated. 

The two had finished eating when there was a knock at the apartment. Spencer opened the door, and a smiling Penelope walked in. Her bright pink hair extensions and glasses were offset by her knee-length black dress. The shoes matched her hair, and Ash wondered how often she got her nails done to have black and pink stiletto nails, when just last week they were orange and white. 

"Hi," she declared, almost out of breath from the stairs. "I believe I'm here to pick up a package."

Spencer nodded with a smile and gestured to Ash. When Penelope turned to walk towards the teenager, her mouth opened in excited surprise. "Oh my god we're twins! We match today!" The blonde turned back towards Spencer. "That wasn't even planned!"

Ash and Spencer shared a small smile, and Penelope composed herself, lifting her elbow out with a wide grin. "Shall we, m'lady?"

Ash linked her arm with Penelope's, carefully following her side-by-side out the door. 

"Let me know if you need anything, my phone will still be on," Spencer offered from inside the apartment. 

"Yeah, yeah," Penelope waved her hand playfully at the doctor, "I'll have your child genius back before tonight."

With that, the woman spun on her heels, taking Ash with her. "Really though, I need to know where you got those pants," she gestured towards Ash's pink and black jeans. 

Ash pulled a piece of flimsy cardboard from her pocket as they walked, showing Penelope the Hot Topic tag she had taken off when she put the pants on. 

"Oooooh, Hot Topic, a classic," the woman's eyebrows raised. "Now, Emily and JJ are waiting for us in the car. We were thinking we go to Dumfries Mall, we can do so much shopping there, get some cute outfits or anything else. Then lunch, haven't decided where we'll go yet so you can help vote on that." Penelope waved and pointed in the air with her hands as she spoke. "Then maybe a movie. The theater near Dumfries Mall has those reclining seats and free refills, and you can never go wrong with their movies. What do you think?"

Ash nodded with a smile at Penelope, giving her a thumbs up. 

A black car was waiting outside for Penelope and Ash. Emily and JJ could be seen chatting in the front seat, with Emily's hand on the steering wheel. Penelope's heels tapped on the asphalt to the back door, which she opened for Ash. "After you," she nodded.

Thank you, the younger girl signed, and moved all the way to the drivers side in the backseat. Penelope sat on the other side, careful not to close the door on her dress. 

"We are ready." Penelope flattened out her dress, then placed her black purse on her lap. Ash liked the little pink spikes on it. 

"Okay," JJ turned in the passenger seat to face Ash. "Did Penelope tell you the plan?"

Ash nodded.

"Then our first stop is Dumfries," she declared as Emily began pulling out of the driveway. "Has Spence taken you shopping yet since you got here?"

Ash nodded her head, pointing to her outfit to imply that's where she had gotten it.

"Okay, but has he taken you shopping since you first got here," JJ nodded her head towards Ash a little more as if to make a point that they were entirely different things. 

Ash hesitated a little before shaking her head with tiny movements.

"No, of course," the blonde agent looked like she was suppressing a small laugh. "I don't think he even takes himself shopping."

"You know," Emily pointed out as she pulled onto the highway, "He once told me that he doesn't see any point in owning more than two pairs of shoes."

Penelope's face dropped into a shocked expression. "I go through more than that in a week!"

"We are not letting you live like that," JJ gestured her hand out towards Ash. "Your new dad might be the all-knowing expert in child psychology, but we are the experts in shopping and fun." 

"Yeah," Emily laughed, "Last time I saw Spencer describe something as fun, he was signing up for a contest to recite as many numbers of pi as you could backwards." 

"We're not trying to talk smack about him," Penelope pointed out, "We all love Spencer, and we are so glad he wants to adopt you."

"Exactly, he's our best friend," JJ continued, "But sometimes you gotta let loose and have some fun that doesn't require memorizing five hundred numbers."

"It was five hundred and thirty-two," Emily corrected jokingly. "He beat the second-place winner by two numbers."

"Exactly my point."

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