Chapter 13

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"You haven't seen where I stay, that's right," Spencer commented to Ash as they walked up the stairs of the apartment building. 

The short-haired brunette shrugged, keeping her hands in the pockets of her cream-coloured cardigan. She followed the young doctor up to one of the last apartments before he pulled out a key and opened the door. Spencer walked inside casually, leaving his messenger bag on a table, but Ash only cautiously gazed in.

There were books everywhere. It was almost like a dream, all the shelves and cabinets with books that lined the walls around a small light-coloured sofa. There was a small kitchen to the left, and a few doors with a bathroom and bedrooms to the right. Spencer stood almost awkwardly in the border between the carpet and the kitchen tile as he gestured Ash in, putting his hands into the pockets of his tight slacks. "It's okay," he assured her.

The girl gripped the strap of her leather backpack tighter, gazing around as she slowly walked into the apartment. Her green eyes were wide as she stared at everything, her eyes resting on all the novels and the scrapbooks.

"Uh, well, there's not much," the doctor admitted, "But, it's just me here. I'll get you a key, of course. I can go out tomorrow morning before work and get it molded."

Ash nodded, pulling her hair from her face with her hand. She carefully shut the door behind her, standing in the middle of the apartment, several feet from Spencer. 

"Uhm," the young man stammered, "There's food in the kitchen, you can just eat whatever's in there if you get hungry. I have to go grocery shopping, since I usually just end up going out, but whatever is in there. I can help you out if you want."

The girl nodded again, bringing her hands up. Thank you.

Spencer gave the girl a small smile, nodding. "It's no problem. I'll show you the room you can take. Luckily, there's a guest room here. My mother used to stay here, too, but now she's over in the psychiatric hospital in Austin."

Texas, Ash signed out questioningly. Why?

"Yeah," the doctor nodded, "It's in Texas. She's a paranoid schizophrenic... There wasn't much I could really help her with."

The girl nodded. I'm sorry.

"It's not your fault," Spencer turned, starting to want to change the topic. "Right here. It's been cleaned and taken care of already, you can do what you like with it."

Spencer opened one of the dark oak doors on the left side of the apartment, revealing a small room with a white-sheet-fitted twin size bed, carpeted floors, and a window by the bed. The curtains were drawn shut, and Ash would most likely keep it that way.

"Yeah," Spencer nodded. "Uh, you can also take some of the books out here if you want," he gestured with his hand to the bookshelves out in the main room of his apartment. "Just please be careful with the scrapbooks. My mom made all of them."

Ash nodded again, signing out Of course. Thank you.

Spencer gave a small smile at his new teenage child. "It's no problem. Just let me know if you want help with something," Spencer then pointed out the two other doors just across from them. "That's my room, and then that's the bathroom."

Ash nodded in confirmation again, holding tight to her bag still. "All right," Spencer let out a small exhale. "I'll... let you sleep or do whatever else you're going to do. I can help you make food if you need."

With that said, Spencer left Ash in her new, relatively empty, room and went to sit on the couch with the book he was reading. The young girl stepped farther into her room, setting her bag on the mattress. She didn't bother unpacking any of her belongings into the small closet across the room from the bed, but she sat on her knees on the bed. She leaned her hands against the wall next to the window, carefully peeking through the white blinds. She could just barely make out the moonlight reflecting off onto buildings and roads, showing off a not-so-busy area of Quantico. She stared at a few passing by civilians before letting her fingers fall off the blinds, closing them together again. 

Ash sat down on the mattress, bringing her knees loosely to her chest. Her dark hair fell in front of her face as she moved her arms around her legs and stared at the white blankets. It was rather bland really, but she could tell it had been taken care of, and the simple colours and designs of the whole room were perfect for a paranoid schizophrenic woman who might freak out a the smallest of busyness in patterns. 

There was a vibrating from the living room-area of the apartment. Spencer pulled his phone from his pocket, reading a text from his coworker, Jennifer Jareau. 

How is Ash adjusting to the new place?

There was the sound of typing as the young doctor replied back. Okay, I believe. Still unsettled by everything.

It wasn't long before the blonde agent sent back another text. At least she's getting more comfortable. Penelope and I want to take her shopping at some point if she wants to, like a girl's day type of thing. Get her more clothes and everything.

Spencer let a small smile stare back at his phone at the idea that his coworkers and friends were welcoming the young girl instantly. She might like that. I'll tell her, it may be a few days, so she can adjust. I think she might have developed a bit of separation anxiety since she's become somewhat more comfortable with me. 

JJ's contact showed she was typing for a significantly longer time for this reply. Understandable why. She's still scared. No rush, she'll get used to everything I'm sure.

The young doctor nodded to himself, his short curly hair beginning to reach his eyes and bob in front of them, blocking his vision as he sent back one last text. She will, I'm sure.

The only problem was that Spencer knew she would get over her separation anxiety. He wanted her to, but he was positive that also meant she would start distancing herself from him.

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