Chapter 7

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"Our unsub is most likely a white male in his mid-thirties, and he's strong enough to subdue at least teenage boys with wide builds," Derek began the profile.

"This man is going through some type of psychotic break, and probably has some type of schizoaffective disorder that's changing the way he sees things," JJ continued, "This will make him highly dangerous and more willing to act on impulse and go out of his normal routine of kidnapping these children."

"This disorder is making our unsub see his victims as a shapeshifting goddess in Greek mythology known as Europa," Spencer explained to the large group, "He might have had a parent or significant other tell him stories of Greek mythology, and he obsessed over it. But due to his disorder, he eventually couldn't differ reality from his stories."

"Our victims have told of him owning stolen books about these myths," Rossi turned his head to address his audience, "He most likely stole them from a library or bookstore that puts labels on their books so a teenager could tell that they were stolen. This is probably where he met his victims, too."

"This man is probably antisocial. His disorder among other things have made him set personal social boundaries for himself. He probably hasn't had a job for long, if he can ever hold one down," Emily added.

"All of our victims' parents made purchases and had library cards to several of the libraries and bookstores in this area," Hotchner explained, "Look for employees who work in multiple bookstores or libraries in this region, or employees who were recently fired. Any questions?"

After giving the profile, the BAU team met back up in their conference room of the police department. They gathered around the phone speaker in the centre of the table like it was a cult sacrifice, staring it as Garcia's voice sounded through.

"Okay, so I looked into mental hospital records for people who were treated with schizoaffective disorders and schizophrenia in the past few years. The only one who has been treated is a sixty-year old woman, and I don't think she's our unsub. She's dead."

Many of the team members crossed their arms and sighed. Spencer crossed his arms, too, but was filled with more thought. "Sometimes schizoaffectiveness is treated as insomnia, doctors can many times see the symptoms as just extreme insomnia."

"Good thinking, Boy Wonder," Garcia replied over the phone speaker as there was the sound of quick typing in the background of her side of the phone. "Aaaaand, we have have seventeen people in this area who have been treated for insomnia in the past five years."

"Narrow that down to bookstore and library employees," Hotch requested.

"Uh, that makes one. A thirty-two-year old woman working at Barnes And Noble with two kids. I don't think it's her," Garcia answered skeptically.

"Some library employees are payed under-the-table," Reid offered.

"So that means he definitely works at the library. Garcia, pull up a list of all the libraries in the comfort region."

"There are three, sir," she told the team.

"Narrow that down to libraries that have reported books stolen," Hotch continued.

"Two of them have reported stolen books. The West Side Saint library reported several of their mythology books stolen. I've already sent you the address."

"Morgan, you and Rossi head over to that library," Hotch addressed his team, checking the address on his phone, "Get a list of their employees. Reid and JJ stay here to work with Garcia on the demographics of the victims and where he might find a new victim. Prentiss and I will delegate the police around the city to patrol so that the unsub doesn't leave."

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