Chapter 16

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The very next morning, Spencer managed to convince a very obstinate Ash to begrudgingly eat breakfast before they left  for the office. The young teen almost looked like a miniature version of her guardian with her wavy short hair and dark brown pants, a red cardigan over her cream-coloured button-down. Her glasses were sat atop her nose, even though she would have to clean them right after walking through the rain in the parking lot. 

The ride to Spencer's office building was silent. Spencer rarely played music in his car, assuming he drove instead of carpooling. Ash was sat in the passenger seat, staring out the window through her glasses.

"After you meet with the director, some of the others want to go out to lunch, since we don't have a case to work today. You can tell about the interview."

Spencer twisted his head just barely enough to see the young girl from the corner of his eye. Her head nodded just slightly, and her right hand spelled out a quick O-K.

The young doctor's heart was racing nearly as fast as the girl's was when they arrived, but neither would show it. Ash quit chewing on her fingernails before climbing out of Spencer Reid's dark vehicle, following him to the building. Spencer flashed his badge to the door scanner, slipped the identification card back in his pocket, then held the door open for the young girl. 

"You'll get one of those cards if your minor consultant application is accepted," he explained as the two followed the tile hallways down the massive building. "It will be different from mine, of course. It will only allow you into certain rooms and halls, as you will be required an escort anywhere except into the building initially, and into the BAU offices. It also gives you access to your own personal computer databases in the office."

What will he be asking? Ash signed as they continued walking, passing by other employees. The director.

"I can't say I know for sure," Spencer pursed his lips just slightly with a nod. "Probably any questions that would pertain to a job interview, like your qualifications, education, ability to work under pressure. Don't be surprised if you are asked about your mutism or your past, either. The director may feel it is necessary you work to 'move past' that, in a sense," the doctor used air quotes with his fingers. "You may have to explain why you find it hard to verbally communicate, and also how you can still be helpful with your ability to understand sign language, as well as French and English. If you know any other languages, I would certainly mention that if he brings it up."

Only French and English, Ash's wrists cracked as she turned them. 

"Hey, kid," Derek Morgan stepped right outside the Behavioral Analysis Unit office doors as they approached. "The director's early, you should probably get Ash in here, now." 

The doctor held up the door for Ash again, and she nodded her thanks. The teenager and her guardian were met with a quick-walking Aaron Hotchner. "All right, Ash, you're ready for this? I want to give you a quick briefing."

The girl stopped walking and stood in front of the significantly taller chief. She stood waiting with a little nod.

"Remember, this man is a profiler. Even better than me or Reid or Morgan. Make sure your body language gives off some type of friendly vibe. Don't cross your arms, don't be too tense, anything like that. But remember he's a person, too. He understands different people have different issues and abilities. Don't bring up anything unless he asks. Whether that's about your speaking, about your family, about the past case we met you on, or anything else. Don't offer any information unless he asks. But make sure to answer all his questions. Be friendly, introduce yourself to the translator there, too."

Ash nodded one last time, waving her hand in front of her face. Hotchner looked to Spencer, who declared "It means thank you."

Hotchner stared back at the brunette, slowly blinking at her. "Don't thank me yet. Get through this interview, get your consultant application accepted, and then you can thank me."

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