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Hello friends!! Thank you so much for your continued reading of this story and patience with my very slow updates. I have always had plans for this story, and am still continuing with it as I can. With that said...

I think it's time for a new fic cover! If you're interested, please read ahead.

All covers submitted will be considered by me as a new cover. Parameters are loose, so feel free to use full creative control!

The only requirement is that the cover has the title, Verecund, somewhere visible. 

Everything else is up to you. Feel free to use quotes from the book if you'd like, any pictures you feel would fit Ash's description, pictures of the BAU members, etc. 

Keep in mind that Ash is a young teenager, if you do decide to depict them on the cover. 

Submissions can be made via DM on my instagram @olikatai or email 

Winner will have their cover used as the official fanfic cover with the credit tagged in the book's summary, as well as a follow from me on Wattpad and Instagram (if you have IG). 

The contest will end on 24 August 2022. 

Thanks again for reading, folks, and please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions!

Verecund (Criminal Minds)Where stories live. Discover now