Chapter 12

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The short-haired girl sat back down in front of the computer with the blonde woman, watching as she opened up a new program on her computer. "Now, you wanna see how we narrow down these records and stuff?" The woman turned her head, the orange feather in her hair bobbing up and down.

Ash nodded her head, sitting up closer to the computer with Penelope. "Okay so, you see those lines right there? Right underneath the code?"

Ash nodded, following what Penelope did. The technical analyst typed quickly, showing the younger girl how she worked. She went back and forth between calls from the different members of the team and talking to Ash, the rings on her fingers occasionally clinking against each other as she typed nearly at the speed of light. 

It wasn't long before the blonde technological analyst turned her head to look at Ash, searching for a response from her. The brunette girl lied limp in her own computer chair, her lips just barely slack as her chest rose and fell with each slow breath. Penelope turned to the other side of her room, picking up a pink fleece throw to gently lie over Ash before turning back to her work.

Days of this repeated- Penelope teaching Ash how her programs worked, Ash teaching the blonde woman how to communicate with a few certain hand movements, and sleeping in the FBI building. Ash became somewhat intrigued at how the woman worked to help solve cases with the team, and watched with curiosity. It was nearly a week before the team in Vegas gave a specified profile for the killer and caught him. It wouldn't be long before they came home.

Ash was greeted by the sliding elevator door opening, and a group of grown men and women came through. Derek and Spencer were the first ones to see Ash, and they greeted her accordingly.

"Hey, kid, how's it going?" The muscled agent put his hand on the short girl's shoulder. She simply shrugged in response, her hands hidden in her cardigan sleeves.

"How did you like working with Garcia?" Spencer turned to the girl, a small smile on his face at her.

It was fun, Ash signed out to him. 

"She taught me some sign language." The bright woman came through the glass door behind Ash- and was now wearing a bright purple and white outfit. "And I taught her a bit about hacking and new code."

The petite blonde woman, JJ, showed up just next to Derek with a small nod at the technical analyst and Ash. "Well, sounds like you two did a lot, then."

"Yeah," Penelope nodded with a wide smile. "And until she decides to start going on cases with you," she pointed her finger a the group dramatically, "I get to keep her. Maybe longer. She helps."

"That may not be for long," Rossi declared. "I've heard from Hotch that her minor consultant paper has been approved by Strauss, and just needs the director's signature. May only take a few days."

"Wait, this soon?" Derek looked at his Italian coworker, who only gave a shrug.

"Yes," a deep voice connected to the unit chief approached. "If it's approved by the director, it may take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. But he may also ask to meet Ash."

What happens if it is approved, the short girl signed out.

"What happens if it's approved?" Spencer turned to Hotchner to translate for him.

"I think that is something we will talk about tomorrow," the man admitted. "We all need some rest, I'm sure you do, too, Ash. We can definitely talk about it come morning when you get here." Hotchner turned to the young doctor, then. "That is, unless, you have enrolled her in the public school here."

"Actually, I gave Ash the opportunity already to take her remaining classes online," Spencer countered politely. "That was the route she decided to take. She's already started on them, and she is deciding to take Credit-By-Examination. I believe with what I have seen her know, she will be the equivalent of a high school seniour with her number of credits."

"Really," Hotchner nodded, looking down at the small girl with a feeling of confidence in her. "Now, how many high school credits do you have now?"

The brunette avoided the man's warm gaze as she flashed her two open palms, then held up eight fingers.


Ash nodded in confirmation, her head still down slightly. Hotchner gave another nod at her, turning back to Spencer. "Well then," he began again, "I am sure it will all work out. Congratulations, Reid, and you also, Ash."

The unit chief began heading off in his own direction, leaving Spencer and Ash with Derek. "Or can we call you Mini-Reid now?" The older agent piped up with a small grin at the young girl.

Ash shrugged, looking in Derek's general direction instead of looking straight at his face. How do you know my IQ isn't higher?

Derek looked towards the doctor for translation. With a small smile at the girl's beginning to open up, he turned to Derek. "She asked how you know her IQ isn't higher than mine."

The man chuckled, looking down at the girl. "Bit of a smartass, huh?" He laughed again. "Maybe we'll have to test you two, then."

Spencer gave a small smile again at the two, feeling the girl begin to become more comfortable with the people around her. "We should get back to my apartment, though," the doctor started before turning down to his new teenage child, "You wanna get going, Ash?"

Instead of signing anything, the girl simply nodded and turned towards the young doctor. She turned slightly back towards Derek to give a small wave to him with her small pale hand, and the older agent gave her a wave and smile back.

"Get home safe, you two," Derek called as they began leaving.

"Thank you," Spencer called back. "You, too."

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