Chapter 23

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Ash left her room in the morning already prepared for a work day at the FBI headquarters. The heat hitting her through the window told her it would be a hot day, so wore only her button-down and slacks. When she walked through the apartment hallways, Spencer was on the phone as he put his paperwork in his bag.

"I couldn't immediately, but I'm already working on it... No, please hold the spot... I'm planning on it as soon as I can."

Ash silently watched the doctor with her own bag slung over her shoulder. As Spencer turned, he nodded at Ash while the individual on the other side of the phone spoke to him. He walked over to the kitchen area, opening the microwave.

"How long has this been going on?"

Spencer pulled two microwaveable breakfast bowls from the microwave with the phone between his shoulder and ear. He peeled back the plastic as he continued the call.

"Okay, thank you so much. I'll see what I can do."

It was another moment before Spencer hung up the phone, then slid one of the plastic bowls to Ash on the other side of the counter.

Everything okay?

Spencer gave the kind of silent sigh that said no, but I'm not going to tell you that. "It's my mom." He began stirring up the processed eggs and meat with a fork, as did Ash. "You remember how I told you about her diagnosis, and that she's in Austin?"

Ash nodded while pouring a small bottle of hot sauce on her food. Paranoid schizophrenia.

"Well, turns out this treatment center she's at may not be helping her as much as we had hoped. Not at all, apparently. I'm hoping to go see her down in Austin to see what I can do."

Ash nodded again with a mouthful of rubbery eggs and sausage.

"However, I don't think you two are really ready to meet just yet. I'd like you to, I think you would love my mom. But at the state she's in, and you're still acclimating to the environment," Spencer paused while he picked up his coffee from the machine, "It's just not the right time."

Ash didn't have any response. She didn't have an opinion either way, but also didn't know how to help.

"I was just on the phone with the center again, but before I already talked to some of the team. Would you be okay with staying with Morgan for just a few days? I asked JJ, but she's busy with her family moving to a new house now that her son, Henry, is getting bigger. I completely understand if not, we can find a new solution, I just don't want you staying alone for that long. And like I said, I don't think it's the right time."

Ash nodded. It's okay.

"In that case, you'd probably be going over tonight, if possible. I know it's a quick transition, but I promise I won't be gone for too long. I'm really sorry I have to leave when you've just been getting comfortable, but it's my mom."

It's okay, the girl repeated. I want you to take care of your mom. I hope you're able to help.

"Me, too," Spencer agreed quietly. "You ready to get going?"

With a nod, the two tossed their trash, and made their way out of the apartment. Spencer changed the subject completely on the way to the car, asking Ash about her college essays and how she felt about starting up her final year of high school within the coming weeks.

The car ride was the same. Spencer seemed not to want to talk about his mom or the upcoming situation, but instead continued interest in Ash's academics and life. He asked more about what she had done with the women of the team on their day out over the weekend, and if Ash had found anything else in Quantico she would want to do on days off. 

Once reaching the building, the elevator ride up to the unit's office was filled with less conversation. The two could see the rest of the team waiting in the large room of desks through the windowed walls. Most were talking, but some, like Hotch and Rossi, observed silently. 

Ash and Spencer were greeted with cheering and clapping. When they entered the glass door, each coworker turned to clap and give little 'woo's or 'yeah's. 

Spencer and Ash looked to each other in silent confusion before back at their team. 

"Congratulations," said JJ. 

"You will no longer be having to stay in my lair with me during cases, you will get to finally see the BAU's private jet," Penelope added. 

"Her application for minor consultant was approved?" Spencer turned to their leader. 

"As soon as both of you sign this paperwork," Hotch had the faintest smile, "Ash, you will be officially listed as an unpaid intern of the FBI acting as a minor consultant for the BAU."

Spencer took the papers from the unit chief, pen already out of his pocket. He was incredibly happy for Ash, but was also having a difficult time focusing only on that as he signed the papers. 

Ash also signed on the line prompting her handwriting, then joked, When do I become a paid intern?

"She asked when she becomes a paid intern," Spencer translated when everybody looked to him. 

"Finish your first two years of college, and you'll be there," Rossi noted.

Ash signed again, to which Spencer translated "I'll have transcripts filled and back to you next week."

There were a couple chuckles and head shaking. Derek then decided "I think this calls for some celebration. Dinner, anybody?"

Ash looked to Spencer, who told her, "I'm sorry I won't be able to be there, but you go have fun."

"Oh, I forgot," Derek tilted his head back the slightest bit, hand on Spencer's shoulder, "Pretty Boy's going out of town."

"We don't have a case yet," JJ pointed out with a suggestive smile. "Make it lunch?"

"Finish your reports, then go," Hotch instructed. "In the meantime, Ash to my office, please."

The team quickly dispersed, and Ash followed the tall chief up the stairs to his office. Hotchner shut the door behind them, then instructed, "Please, sit."

Ash sat carefully in the chair across from the desk, where Hotch sat. He opened a drawer, pulled out a thin packet of papers, then nodded towards Ash. "First off, the director said he was very impressed by your interview. He's very hesitant to sign off on any specialized internship position, much less for someone under eighteen, but his exact words were that you blew him away. So congratulations."

The teen gave a silent and thankful nod. 

"Which brings us to training. You can't be going off to help work cases or even travel without at least starting the trainings that are assigned to interned consultants, so I want to get you started on that right away. It's nothing too load-bearing, but you will be meeting with our employment trainer twice a week right now. She works multiple units, so it probably won't be the same days every week. She will be here tomorrow to meet you, so until then, I want you to start NEO."

Ash tilted her head a little to show her confusion. 

"New Employee Orientation. Since there isn't a group, it will be easy for you to get through, and I just need you to read this packet and get it signed back to me by tomorrow. It's simple for interns, even moreso for consultants, but it will have starting information for consulting on cases."

Ash nodded. She took the stapled papers from the chief as he held them out. 

"If you have any questions, I can help you out, and so can Johnson, the trainer, when you meet her. Any questions for me so far?"

Ash shook her head. 

"All right," Hotch grew a small smile. "How does it feel?"

Ash gave an almost-shy smile back, nodding with a thumbs-up.

"Good. Now, go ahead and go start reading while you wait for everyone to be ready to take you to lunch. This does deserve celebration."


A/N: I wrote the majority of this on my phone while I'm currently waiting for a tow truck to get here bc my car broke down after work lol

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2022 ⏰

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