in our aisle???

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"god it feels so weird being back here again." i sighed, throwing myself on fin's couch. "didn't miss the humidity though."

"can't wait to see you guys for the first time performing in this tour tomorrow. i'm so proud of you bil." finneas ruffeled my hair up.

"finneas! i actually did my hair today, now it's ruined because of you!" i complained as i got up to look at myself in the mirror to fix my hair.

"fine i'll just do it to blue then." he ruffled blue's hair instead. god she looks so hot, i but my lip. "she needs to dye her hair again anyways, it's looking crusty again."

"rude." blue glared at him.

"he's right though, and you know what that means." i smirked. "time to get rid of the split dye."

"i swear i'm going to have an identity crisis after i change my hair. i haven't not dyed it red and black for so long." she said while fixing her hair. more like getting it out of her face but you get it.

"we'll do something fun, like, we'll dye it a color just not read." i shrugged. "maybe you should go blonde since you want me to be blonde so bad."

"i want you to be blonde, not me." she shook her head.

"you want your mom's hair so badly maybe you should be a ginger." claudia suggested.

"we'll be twins." finneas commented.

"you're trying so hard for us to be in the same level huh?" blue raised one of her brows.

"i'll shut up." he said.

"ginger is basically red, i don't know if i want that right now." she shook her head. "besides i'm not the one that is going to choose the color it'll most probably be billie." she rolled her eyes.

"i'm the one doing it for you, it's only fair that i choose the color." i smirked.

"no that doesn't make sense! get that devilish smirk off your face! well then the text time i'm doing your hair i'm choosing the color and you know damn well there is going to be a lot of bleaching involved to get that black dye out of your hair."


"what if you dyed you hair blue? you haven't dyed it that color yet, right?" claudia questioned.

"no i haven't, thought it would be stupid to dye it blue because my name is blue. i don't know about that." she answered.

"i had blue hair, i hated it, but you would look so pretty with blue hair." billie said. "but like a darker blue."

"yes!" claudia gushed.

"you really think that would look good?" blue turned to clauds. "and i'm not asking you because you are the one who suggested it." she raised her finger to stop me from saying whatever i was going to say. which most definitely was not me complaining that she asked claudia and not me.

"yeah, i do." claudia nodded. "you always have your hair down which is perfect because i think a dark blue is going to compliment you pale skin and your features so well."

"i loved the blue on billie, it was so pretty. you should dye your hair blue." maggie agreed with everyone as she sat next to me and fin, a couple seconds later dad sat on the single chair. i like to call it the dad chair cause it's where he always sits, it's generally where all the dads choose to sit for some reason.

"i think that's settled then! the next time you're going to see blue she going to be your new smurf." billie announced.

"well, since everyone is here. finneas and i have something to share with you guys." claudia held finnea's hand. "i'm pregnant."

𝙍𝙀𝘿 // 𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇𝙄𝙀 𝙀𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙃 𝙁𝘼𝙉𝙁𝙄𝘾𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉Where stories live. Discover now