apartment hunting

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"i gotta say the amount of research you have done is pretty impressive. you should applaud yourself for that, and i love how creative you were with it too." our real estate argent, lara said.

"that's all blue, i forgot about all the places we chose to look at already." i chuckled. "i know that they are all nice and all though, cause i also chose them with her."

"you have a memory of a goldfish." blue stated.

"yes i do." i agreed.

"okay this is the apartment you called "something i would see on pinterest but would never buy cause the windows will bring the sun in.", thought we should start of with this one." she let us in the apartment.

"yeah i can't sleep if there's just a little light coming from the tv or bathroom or whatever so i thought those big ass windows will be a very big problem. especially when the sun is out in the morning."

"yes, but the apartment does come with its instuled outside curtains to block the world out whenever you want." lara clicked on a button using a remote and deadass i kid you not, curtains from the outside blocked the city out.

"how is that even possible? don't they get dirty?" i was truly amazed by that.

"no, there's a layer of glass after them to maintain the outside aperance of the building and protect the curtains." she answered. "i believe that solves your problem, not a single streak of light is creeping out of there." her voice could be heard in the complete dark.

"sorry for that, i thought i should give you a visual representation." lara opened the the curtains. "you can have a mintue for yourselfs and discuss things." lara smiled and walked away.

"i really loved this place but the widows exed it out for me. now that i know the curtains are in the frame, it definitely went up in my rank." blue expressed her opinion. "what do you think?"

"i feel rich just standing here, this place is fancy." i said just above a whisper.

"really?" she frowned.

"it's boring, the curtains are cool sure, but there are no good hiding spots or cool furniture."

"this is who you're going to judge all the apartments we're visiting today? based on hiding spots and furniture that we are supposed to buy." blue blinked at me.

"yes, you'll be the reasonable one and i'll be the one that looks for fun." i nodded and she just gave me a blank stare. "after we buy the apartment we are going to live in it and we need to have fun! so i'm in charge of the fun and you of the boring stuff."

"why am i in charge of the boring stuff?" she complained.

"because you already have been in charge of that since day one, you did this to yourself." i shrugged.

"fair enough." she mumbled.

"people your age love this apartment complex so you may find yourself having some friendly neighbors here for sure, but it also means that you all like the interior and what do you say these days? "the vibes" of the place is cool or "it's swag" i don't know of that stuff." lara said as she opened the fifth apartment of the day's door.

"this one was your favorite." blue turned to remind me.

"yeah i remember it now." i nodded.

lara went ahead with the whole tour and explained what living here would be like for the next twenty to thirty minutes then she gave us a mintue to talk things out just like she did for all the other apartments.

𝙍𝙀𝘿 // 𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇𝙄𝙀 𝙀𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙃 𝙁𝘼𝙉𝙁𝙄𝘾𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉Where stories live. Discover now