flight to spain

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"did you pack your stuff?" billie asked.

"mhm" i mumbled.

"mom and dad are going to drop us off at the airport." she told me, "they want to say goodbye at the last possible mintue."

"alright." i said as i continued to brush her hair with my fingers.

"are you okay?" she angled her head so she could see me from the position we were cuddling with.

"you're so pretty." i smiled.

"you're not even paying attention!" she blushed.

"no i am! you asked if i packed my bag and told me that maggie and patrick are going to drive us to the airport." i defended myself.

"yeah, that right." she mumbled.

"you didn't you go home and spend time with them?" i asked.

"i don't know, i just kinda naturally follow your around and i can't sleep without you and i'm at the studio with you more than i'm at home anyways." she shrugged.

"we might as well move in together." chuckled.

"we should."

"really?" i started getting excited.

"we should get an apartment together and move in after we're done with tour." she suggested.

"hell yeah." i snickered. "i can't wait to know for a fact that you are going to be sleeping with me everyday and wake up with me everyday."

"we already do that dumbass."

"but sometimes we don't. but when we live together, you're not gonna ask me if you could stay over, you're gonna ask me if you can sleep over somewhere else. it's gonna be like i won the lottery every single day." she pointed out.

"i don't even ask you if i can stay over at yours i just do." she commented.

"you better not just decide to sleep over at ivy's or something without telling me though, you're gonna get me worried waiting for you all night." i threatened.

"i would never do that." she laughed while shaking her head.


"where are you going?" i asked as billie got off the bed and walk towards the door.

"to lock the door and leave the key in the lock." she replied.

"why?" i frowned my brows.

"to make sure no one gets in without us knowing." she straddled my lap. "we don't want a sex tape of us imbedded in their heads do we?"

"we wouldn't want that, but i can swear that if riley walked through that door right now it will be like she won the lottery to her." i smirked.

"shut up." she kissed me.

"shit, i gotta pee." i breathed out stopping our lil make out session at the seating area at the airport.

"you have the smallest bladder ever." billie groaned.

"i'm sorry but i can't pee on myself love, this fit is fire." i kissed her one last time before leaving to the toilet.

"why are you standing in front of the women's restroom?" frowned as i exited the bathroom.

"ivy is in there." andrew asked.

"i know, i saw her, but i meant why are you standing when you can just sit in literally any of these seats." i looked behind him.

𝙍𝙀𝘿 // 𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇𝙄𝙀 𝙀𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙃 𝙁𝘼𝙉𝙁𝙄𝘾𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉Where stories live. Discover now