The color of the tail

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During the next couple of days Hydra was trying to teach Percy how to transform into a merman, but it was hard when she didn't really know how. It was not that she didn't at all, but she had never met one that could do that.

"You need to focus on what you want to do, close your eyes and breathe"

"I do but it's hard, I don't even know how to do normal magic.'' Percy had started to get tears in his eyes, he didn't want to disappoint his mom. He didn't want her to get that angry tone Molly always had with him.

"Hey, it's okay. I know this is difficult but I know you can if you want to" She put a hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down.

"We can take a little break if you want to," Percy nodded.

Percy laid down on the grass with Hydra next to him, her arm around his shoulders, the sun warm tier faces.

"What color will my tail be?" Percy asked after he had calmed down and his tears had disappeared.

"When it comes to merpeople like you, who wasn't born one, it depends on the color of things you really love. If you love a special person the color of your tail will match the color of tier eyes or hair" Percy looked at his mom a little confused "Or if you love a special place your tail will have that color"

"So if you really love the night your tail will be dark blue or black? And how does it work with you who was born with one" Percy didn't understand why it worked that way but his mom probably didn't either.

"Yes, and my tail is this color because my mothers had this color just a little lighter, but my father had a really dark tail so the colors mixed" Hydra looked at her tail and waved with her tail. Percy loves how her tail would sparkle and shine with its colors in the sun, it almost blinded him. 

He wanted to continue to try so he got up and jumped in the water again, Hydra crawled until she was in the water too.

"Just focus, love" She whispered to him while he closed his eyes.

He started to think about the things he loves the most, his mom, the water and the forest. Mostly about the forest, the way the trees would wave in the wind, the stunt of all the animals and just how beautiful it was. All the different types of greens and brown colors.

For him the forest was pure magic. And he felt like magic was coming over him but he didnt think too much about it.

It wasn't until he felt Hydra shift in the water that he opened his eyes. He looked down, he saw the green and gold glitter and shine at his waist and down to the middle of his thigh. He saw a little of a tail but when he stopped focusing it disappeard, he looked up.

"That was amazing Percy, I'm so proud of you!" She hugged him tight. Percy was disappointed with himself, but he felt better when she hugged him.

"Can I try again now?"

Hydra nodded her head and let go of him.

He started over, and when he felt the magic he didn't stop focusing. He could feel his legs connect with each other and his teeth reshaped.

When he felt Hydra's arms around him he opened his eyes. 

"I'm so proud of you, you look beautiful" When she let go of him he looked down and saw his tail. He felt so happy, he succeeded. He felt proud of himself, for the first time in his life.

He licked his teeth and felt that they were pointy like his mom's

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He licked his teeth and felt that they were pointy like his mom's.

They started to swim around the lake, the feeling was wonderful. He didn't need to come up for air every few minutes and he could swim much faster. They swimmed for hours until the sun started to go down, Percy needed to get back to the borrow for dinner.

To get his legs back he needed to focus on it, it was easy now that he knew how to transform. The black pants he had worn were still on him when he transformer back, he was a little afraid they would disappear.

"Goodbye my love" Hydra said while hugging him "Goodbye mom"

~At the borrow~

"You are late to dinner Percy" Molly sounded annoyed when he walked through the door.

"I'm sorry mother" Percy looked down and started to walk to the table, until Fred poured his water over his clothes.

"Go to your room and change, no dinner tonight" Arthur said, never really looking at Percy, he knew Fred had spilled it over him without looking.

"But I'm a hungry father.."

"Then come home earlier"

"But you need to-"

"We don't need to do anything, you will get food in the morning now go to your room before i carry you up there!" Molly screamed at him pointing to the stairs.

Percy ran up the stairs with angry tears running down his cheeks, he wanted to run back to the lake but he knew his parents would find out he had snuck out.

His siblings would come to his room to pour more water over him or something like that. And then they would tell Molly and Arthur, then he would be in trouble. No food for the whole day and put a charm over his door and window to lock it.

He changed into his pj and laid on the bed still crying. He hated when Molly screamed, it always made him so scared. He knew she wouldn't hit him, but she had threatened him with it many times so it was still scary.

He fell asleep really sad and hungry, but a couple of hours later Fred and George poured mud over his hair and face. He had to wash his hair three times to get the mud out, but he was used to it. It wasn't the first time.

He fell asleep crying for the second time that night.

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