The Temple

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Today was the day they would sneak out of the castle and they all were pretty much shaking with nervousness. None of them had ever really broken any rules, of course they had broken very petty once that didn't get them into too much trouble. Percy had sneaked out of Hogwarts once, when he looked for that girl's bracelet. But no one knew about that. The one that was most nervous was Jonathan, he wasn't perfect by any means, but he still followed the main rules. Oro and Finn were really excited, so was Percy, John was trying to calm Jonathan down. They had put things they may need in Finn's bag, things like snacks, jumpers, a first aid kit because none of them could perform any healing spells, and Finn took the instant camera that his rich aunt sent him. Percy decided not to take Walnut, for obvious reasons, he didn't want the ferret to get lost.

"If we find something interesting we need pictures!" He had said when Oro asked why they needed it, Percy still didn't get why. If someone found the pictures they could get into a lot of trouble. But they all let him take it with them if he had promised to hide the pictures really well.

They waited until 2 in the morning so they knew everyone was asleep, at first they wanted to go out around midnight but they realised that if they went that time no one would be in the corridors, not even the paintings would be awake. They tried to be as quiet as possible, they got up from the dungeons and started to tiptoe around the castle. Even though they thought everyone was asleep they still made sure to listen for any sound they didn't make.

They had decided to take a longer way out because that way had way less paintings. So far everything was good and no one saw them. Then they got to the corridor that led to a door that led out. They didn't want to go out through the big main door because that would make too much noise, so they took a sort of backdoor. It was the door that led them to the trail that would get them to Hagrid's little house, so they were careful to not make any sound. They had to go past Hagrid's hut to get to the forest but they tried to get as far away from it as possible so they could get in without any worry. They walked sideways until they were about 3 minutes away from his hut. And now they were sure they could go inside, so they did. Jonathan had to be basically dragged in because he was still questioning if this really was a good idea. But now they were there, they had gotten too far to just go back to their dorm.

They started to go further into the big forest, all they could see was trees, they heard more then they saw. They knew there lived centaurs in the forbidden forest, and they had heard there were unicorns too. They thought that it could be them that did the sound, but of course they couldn't be sure. They walked for a while without seeing anything interesting, they trusted Percy to know how they would get back since he was an expert when it came to woods and he had a very good memory. They all just kind of walked through the woods for nearly an hour, just quietly talking to each other and eating the snacks they brought.

"There's nothing here to see, let's just go back" Oro sighed, he was very bored. But the timing was perfect, because Finn looked at his left and saw something interesting.

"Wait, look there" He whisper-yelled to the other. Everyone looked over, when Percy saw it he got excited. They all started to run to what they had found.

When they got a better look at it they could see what it was, it was some sort of ruin of an old temple with a big lake in the middle of it. The lake looked extremely deep. John took out his wand and casted lumos to see better. They didn't want to do that before because they were scared some sort of demon or monster would see them. But now they were too excited to care.

"Look there is some sort of tunnel down there" John said as he started to point to a tunnel at the bottom of the lake. It probably led to the ocean. His mom's lake had that too, but that one was way smaller and way less visible if you're not looking for it. Percy didn't even know about it until recently.

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