Last day before break

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Percy was sitting with Oro in potion class, they were trying to make the disgusting looking mix to change color to red but no matter what they did it just stayed brown. They were laughing at how bad they were, Jonathan was paired with a Hufflepuff girl and they were starting to tease them about how bad the potion is, even John came over.

"You really are bad at this" John was laughing together with them.

"Sophia and Larry's aren't that good either!" Oro said in defense, he knew that they were joking but he was a really defensive person either way. When Sophia heard that she stopped what she was doing and looked at him, pretending to be shocked and angry she answered.

"I don't know what you're talking about, our chocolate pudding is amazing!" Everyone laughed at that. It was getting really loud, the kids were laughing and started to throw ingredients at each other, Snape had gone out to get some more things for a group that needed more ingredients for their potions. But he couldn't be gone forever, before things could evaluate further he walked in, everyone stopped laughing so loudly and went back to their seat's.

"What are you guys laughing at? I could hear you a mile away"

"Rarry and Oro's potion, it's really bad" John said giggling and pointing at their bowl. The professor walked over and looked at it, he raised an eyebrow and looked at them both before bending over a little and smelled it before pulling back with a shocked and a little disgusted face.

"Sophia and Larry's isn't that good either!" Oro told him, his cheeks turning pink.

"Okay, calm down Mr Grave" He answered Oro blankly and looked up at the rest of the class to speak.

"I understand that you guys are tired of classes and just want to have fun, but this is the last day before winter break. Just focus for a couple of more minutes then you can go on break, okay?" Everyone nodded and went back to their work, Snape called Sophia and Larry over and he showed them how to fix the potion, after just a few minutes both of their potions were bright red and approved by Snape. Then it was finally time for food, everyone packed their bags, said goodbye and ran to the great hall.

When everyone was sitting comfortably, Dumbeldor stood up and everything went quiet to let him speak.

"To the people that are going home, after the feast Hagrid will take you to the train. To the people that will stay, I hope you will have a great Christmas here at Hogwarts. Now let the feast begin!" When he was done all of the food appeared in front of them and everyone continued where they left off.

Finn was telling Marcus about Percy and Oro's potion, Oro was trying to defend himself when Marcus started to laugh, Percy was just sitting down drying to drink his pumpkin juice without spitting it out with his giggles. Percy was happy that most of his friends decided to stay in Hogwarts during the break, he obviously didn't want to go home to the borrow, even though he misses his mom he would rather spend Christmas with the other snakes. But even if he wanted to go home he couldn't, Molly had written to him that 'they won't have a filthy snake in their home over Christmas, so don't you dare come home', she had called him all sorts of things in the letter but Marcus had cheered him up a lot when he told him about it. All of his closest friends knows about his family situation and are always reminding him that he has a family with them, of course they don't know about Hydra, he do trust them but he don't think he can ever tell them about the fact that merpeople still exist. He had promised his mom to keep this secret and he would.

When Percy had eaten up his food he moved to dessert, Jonathan passed him the Raspberry cake he knew he loved, Percy thanked him with a big smile on his face and took a big slice of the pink cake.

"Hey Rarry, what storybooks do you own?" Marcus asked him while stretching his arm to the pumpkin juice. Percy had to think for a bit before he answered.

"I don't have that many, Lord of the rings, The hobbit and some books about dragons that I took from Charlie"

"What books do you want to read in the future?" Marcus spoke.

"I want to read more scary books, I don't have one specific book I want to read, but I like scary stories. Why do you ask?" Marcus didn't answer right away, but after a few seconds he said that was just curious.

They talked, joked and laughed the rest of the meal. It was their last before Jonathan and John went back home to their mom and dad, they were apparently going to spend Christmas with their grandparents this year so they were really excited. Other than them the rest of their group was going to be at Hogwarts, so they decided to spend the whole break sneaking around the school. The school was enormous and they hadn't been able to look around yet, and there were some floors they weren't allowed to be in, but their child curiosity got the best of them so they were going to break some rules. John and Jonathan made them promise to tell them everything they found when they got back.

After about an hour and a half it was time for the students that were going home to leave with Hagrid and the rest to go back to their dorms. The group hugged the siblings goodbye and went back to the dungeons, but before they could get that far Charlie stopped them.

"You're not going home right?" He asked Percy, he shaked his head in response.

"Okay good, now we can actually enjoy Christmas for once" He said with a relieved smile and was going to walk when he heard a voice behind him.

"Five points from Gryffindor" Charlie turned around and saw Snape was standing behind them, Charlie now had a very annoyed look on his face.

"For asking 'that thing' a simple question!?" Charlie asked him pointing at Percy, Snape looked over at him and saw the tears that had started to form in the corner of his eyes. The little boy was really sensitive, and he knew why and how he was treated by his 'family'.

"Go to Hagrid now Weasley" He said with a calm voice looking back at the older boy, the boy didn't talk back just walked over to his older brother with angry steps.

"Are you okay Percy?" Snape kneeled down in front of the small boy, he nodded.

"Yes, thank you Severus" He was quiet but the teather heard him, he stood up and offered his hand to Percy, he took it and they all started to walk together to the common room.

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