Train To Hogwarts

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Percy was really hungry on the way to the train, he hadn't eaten much the day before and his parents didn't let him eat breakfast. He didn't even go down the stairs when the others were eating, he was putting his long hair into a pretty hairstyle. He loved to style his hair, normally he just braided all of his hair because he was in water most of the day, but today he was doing something special. He made braids, different ponytails, buns and put different jewelry in his hair, but in the end he did this hairstyle but with curly and longer hair. (I don't know how to describe it)

He had a baggy white T-shirt with a gray long sleeved shirt and a pair of ripped jeans, he put the necklace on and finally a pair of white shoes

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He had a baggy white T-shirt with a gray long sleeved shirt and a pair of ripped jeans, he put the necklace on and finally a pair of white shoes. He put the hair stuff and jewelry in his bags and then he was ready to go to the train.

"Percy time to go!" Molly screamed up the stairs. Percy took his bags and went down the stairs, the younger Weasleys were staying home with their father, Molly was going to drive him, Bill and Charlie to the train. They put their bags in the car and drove away.

When they were at the train Molly said goodbye to Bill and Charlie, she ignored Percy but he didn't care. They got on the train and the older kids walked to the compartment their friends were at and left Percy alone. He found an empty compartment and sat down reading a book. He heard a student walking around trying to find a place to sit. When someone opened percy's compartment he smiled at them but no one wanted to sit with him, they had their own friends and didn't want to sit with a stranger. He thought he was going to be alone the whole time when Marcus opened the compartment door.

"Hey, can I sit?" He asked with a smile pointing at the seat in front of Percy. He smiled and nodded, putting the book down.

"What are you reading?"

"Lord of the rings, I got them for free from an old neighbor when he moved out. He knew how much I liked to read."

"I love those books, which book are you reading now?"

"The second book."

They continued talking the whole way to Hogwarts, when they saw that they were almost there they started to change into the Hogwarts robes. When Percy took off his shirt Marcus asked in a worried voice if he was eating enough because he could see his ribs.

"I do eat enough, I don't know why I can't gain weight. It doesn't bother me anymore." Percy replied while he buttoned his shirt, Marcus just nodded and continued with his robes.

When they got off the train they waved goodbye, Percy then walked to the other first years. They got on boat's, Mcgonagall talked a little and then the sorting started and Percy was nervous. If he got into anything else but Gryffindor, Molly and Arthur will be very angry with him, but he knew he didn't want to be in the same house as his 'siblings' because they would just make fun of him all the time.

"Percival Weasley!"

When he heard his name he got a bit shocked and stood still for a few seconds, he had been in his own little world, when he snapped back to reality he started walking to the little chair. He saw Marcus at the Slytherintable smiling, Percy really wanted to sit with him, he was the only one he knew here. Mcgonagall put the hat over his head over his eyes, the hat started talking to him in his head.

"This isn't the usual Weasley, no you are different. Are you even a Weasley little boy?"

Percy was shocked over the question but he decided to be truthful, he didn't answer out loud, he just answered in his head.

"Not anymore"

The hat talked to him about the houses and which would fit him, when five minutes had passed the hat gave up.

"I don't know where to put you."


"You can choose the house, this has never happened before. You are a special one."

Percy knew that he wanted to be with his only friend Marcus, but he didn't want Molly and Arthur to spend more money on new robes. But then again if he chose anything but Gryffindor the other Weasley's will make fun of him, and when the twins start they would prank him all the time. But after two minutes he had chosen.

"Okay Percy Sofes, you will not be able to change your mind now." The hat said before he yelled to the other people in the room.


The room was quiet except for the people that said 'finally', no one could believe that a Weasley was put in something else but Griffindor. After a few seconds Marcus started clapping his hands and the other Slytherins followed after together with some other students. When he started walking to the table he looked at Bill and Charlie, they looked so angry and disappointed, they didn't even look at him. That hurt Percy, even if he technically wasn't a Weasley he still cared about what they thought of him.

"You can sit with me Percy." When Marcus said that Percy smiled and sat down, he got some weird looks but Marcus put his arm around his shoulders. The rest of the sorting went on normally, at the end of it he met Snape's eyes and the professor smiled at him, Percy smiled back.

"Severus has a soft spot for us snakes, you don't need to worry about him being mean to you." Marcus whispered in his ear and Percy giggled a little.

When it was time to eat Percy was relieved, he was so hungry and now he could eat. He ate much more than most of the first years, but he didn't care, he was hungry, and if he gained a little weight that is just good. Marcus and Percy talked the whole time and Marcus introduced him to some of his friends, they offered to teach him how to play quidditch because he didn't know how to play. Some of the girls asked him to teach him how to do his hairstyle which he said he would later in the evening. He had a really good time and he knew he had chosen the right house, he didn't care what Bill or Charlie thought.

"All prefect's take your first years to your common rooms!" Dumbledore yelled when the feast ended, a boy who is in seventh year stood up and told them to follow him.

When they had gotten to the common room and the prefect told them what they needed to know everyone just started talking and having a good time. A girl in her third year, who's name was Mary, asked Percy if he could braid her hair so it would be curly in the morning and Percy did it happily. When he was in the third braid Snape walked in the room, he smiled at them and started speaking.

"Hello children and welcome to Hogwarts or welcome back to Hogwarts, how is everyone?"

Everyone told him that they were good and he started speaking again.

"That's good to hear, you all know that your robes are in your rooms together with the rest of your things. The bedtime is 10 PM but today you will be able to stay here as long as you like. If any of you have any questions you can come to me." Severus smiled at them and started to walk away when Percy called out to him.

"Snape, all of my robes are in gryffindor colors, what will I do about that?!"

Snape turned around and smiled.

"That has been taken care of for this year, but next year you have to buy new ones." He smiled one last time and walked out.

Percy was worried that they wouldn't be able to afford it, but Marcus said that Percy could get his old robes when he had bought new ones. Everyone knew that the Weasleys didn't have that much money, so he wanted to make sure that Percy's family didn't need to buy new stuff that they might not have enough money for. Percy thanked him and continued to braid Mary's hair, he braided 5 braids so that her hair would be really curly the next day, she smiled and thanked him for the help.

Percy decided to go to bed early so he was alone in his dorm. He started to undo his hairstyle since he didn't want to sleep with it. He put on his pj and looked at the beds, he could choose first since he was the first one there. There were five beds and Percy chose the bed that was near the Window and away from the other beds, he put his stuff near his bed and laid down under the covers. The bed was softer than the one he had at home, he buried his head into the pillow and pulled the cover up to his nose. When his roommates came up to the room some hours later they made sure not to make much noise so they didn't wake him up.

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