Snape's Favorite

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The first few days of school were amazing for Percy, he loved the classes, especially poisons and transfiguration, he loved his roommates, he loved the food at Hogwarts, he loved his room, and he felt welcome around his housemates. The older kids tried to help the other first years with homework and some of the girls adored Percy and loved playing with his long hair, they had straightened it and his hair went down to his knees. Percy also loved to teach the others how to do his hairstyles, not just the girls, the boys also wanted to learn how to do some stuff. He would also read to his roommates every night because they were a bit homesick, their names were Finn, John, Jonathan, Oro and they loved that and it made them feel more at home.

During those days Percy noticed that Marcus had been right, Snape had a soft spot for them. He never yelled at them unless he really needed to, ne always wanted to help them with their work, if anyone got sad he always tried his best to make them happy again, but he was still fair, if they hurt another student from another house he always talked to them and made them apologies, he took away house points if needed and he was still strict about them following the rules.

When the week ended and it was Saturday it was pretty normal, students were talking and laughing and Snape was reading in an armchair, Percy had been in his room because he had to undo his hair and take a shower and when he walked down Snape looked up and saw him. Percy was wearing a pair of black sweatpants and a black T-shirt that was way too big for him, he looked so small to Snape. He was much shorter and thinner than the other first year students, Percy was pulling up his pants because they were a little big. He tried to tie the strings of the pants but he couldn't, he could do alot and was very smart but no one had taught him how to tie them. Snape made eye contact with Percy and told him to come to him, Percy walked up to him.

"Do you need help to tie them?" Snape asked him when he was by the armchair, Percy nodded his head so Snape started to tie it for him.

"What are you reading?" Percy asked when Snape was done, he picked the book up and gave it to Percy.

"Narnia, have you read them?" Percy shaked his head looking at the pretty cover.

"Come here" Snape said, picking Percy up and sat him on one of his legs and started to read the book to him. Percy just sat and listened to the professor reading to him, after some time the other students stopped being so loud so they could also listen to Snape. For about half an hour they all just sat there, drawing, braiding and brushing their hair or just listening to Snape, it was peaceful. Percy had curled up to a little ball on the professor's lap and was resting his head on Snape's chest, his eyes were getting heavy and after a couple of minutes he was fast asleep. When Snape looked at the clock it said that it was five minutes over ten, so he closed the book.

"Time to go to bed, kids" He said, putting his arms around the boy in his lap.

"What are we going to do with Percy?" Jonathan whispered to Snape.

"I can carry him to your dorm" He answered as he stood up holding the little boy to his chest, he nodded to Percy's roommates to lead the way. They walked up to their dorm and the other boy's helped Snape put Percy to bed, they moved the covers before he put percy down, and then he put the covers over his body. Percy started to turn to his side, curled up to a little ball and took the covers in his hands and held it over his mouth and nose.

"Goodnight boys" Snape whispered to them and walked out of their dorm.

When the boys woke up they walked down to the dining hall to eat breakfast, they didn't need to change since it was sunday. They meet their other friends in the common room and they all start walking, they laugh and joke all the way down. There weren't that many students there because many wanted to take their time sleeping, but two students who were there were Bill and Charlie. Percy got quiet when they saw him with his Slytherin friends; they haven't spoken to him since the sorting.

"Don't bother them, Rarry" Marcus said and put his arm around Percy's shoulders. Percy smiled at the nickname, at first it was just raspberry because his hair was red and he loved the raspberry dessert that Hogwarts had, but after a few days Marcus started to call him Rarry. Percy didn't really care, he loved to have a special nickname for him, his siblings always called earth other silly names. But since they didn't really like Percy they never gave one to him, so when his friends started to call him raspberry and then Rarry he felt really happy.

When they sat down and started eating they started to talk about Narnia and about how much they liked the book, they all agreed that Snape should read to them more often.

"I think that you are one of Severus' favorites" Finn said out of nowhere, looking at Percy. Percy looked at him a little confused, he didn't really know why he thought that.

"I think he's right, I have never seen Severus letting a student sit on his lap." A third year boy said.

"I don't think that I'm his favorite" Percy said, Snape was his favorite teacher, he had started to see him as a father figure since he didn't have one. Of Course it made him happy to hear that Snape liked him so much that he seemed to be his favorite, but Molly's voice telling him that he would be a nightmare to the teachers made it hard for him to believe that Snape would like him so much.

"Well you're my favorite" Marcus said with a wide smile. Him saying that made Percy blush, Marcus was his favorite too. 

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