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Today was the day they would go to Hogsmeade and Percy was really excited. He picked up a small bag and put all of his money in it. He still hasn't decided what animal he wanted so he would pick when he got to the store. He picked out his outfit, brown pants, white long sleeve shirt and a pair of black shoes. He put his hair into a bun on top of his head, it had gotten longer during the summer. He really liked it but he could feel like he needed to shop a little off the end, but that is future Percy's chore.

"Percy if you want to come with you need to get down here now!" Molly yelled from down stairs. Percy immediately picked up his bag and showed it over one shoulder and ran down the field of stairs.

"That was fast, now Bill you start, then Charlie and then Percy" Molly gave her children some money to buy their things with, then she got to Percy.

"You had your own money right, you won't get any from me" Percy nodded and picked up the powder with his small hand, got into the chimney and yelled 'hogsmeade' as he dropped the powder. Within seconds he was beside the two older boys, they looked at him and asked where he was going.

"I'm going to buy a pet, isn't mother coming?"

What! Did mom let you get a pet?" Charlie yelled, Bill had tried to ask the same question but he overpowered him.

"No, I haven't asked, but I have saved my own money and I can take care of a pet" The brothers were a bit stunned at that, but Charlie laughed a little bit knowing how mad their mom would be when Percy dragged a whole animal home when she probably expected a book or something. Bill didn't know what to say other than answering his question.

"Mom said we are old enough to go by ourselves and she didn't really care if you went alone"

"I'm not surprised at that, I will probably take my time on choosing an animal so if I'm late that's why" And with that they all went on their merry way. Percy's first stop was Gringotts to switch his muggle money to wizard money.

When he walked into the big building he saw a couple of muggle families who were here for the same reason he was here, and he saw some families coming here to get money from their vaults. You could sort of tell which was muggle and not. The muggles had different styles and were looking around like they were in a castle, the wizard families didn't look impressed and were bored of waiting for help. Percy stood in line to get his money changed. After about a quarter of an hour later it was his turn.

"Hello, I want to change this into wizard money please" Percy opened his bag and put it in front of the goblin. He looked at it and then he gave it to another goblin and that one ran to another room. This was the first time Percy had done this so he felt a bit nervous when they just ran away with his favorite bag. But after just about thirty seconds the goblin got back and gave it to the first goblin.

"Here" Percy took the bag and looked into it, it was filled with new money. He tried to ask if he could count it so it got right but the goblin just told him no, so Percy just decided to trust them and he closed his bag and out the door he went.

He walked his way to the pet shop and walked through the door. He saw a lot of types of animals and a lot of children with their parents begging for their favorite pet. Percy started to look around, he had made sure that he had saved enough money that he would be able to buy whatever he wanted, no matter how expensive it is. He went to the owls first, he liked the idea of being able to send letters to his mom, and it was his original idea of what to buy back when he started saving up. But then he started to think about how much his siblings would bother him about borrowing his owl, so he went to the next animal. He walked across the room and looked at the cats and dogs, they were the most popular right now apparently. All of the children were picking the puppies to ask if they could keep them. Percy liked bogs and cats but he wanted to be able to hide them easily so his parents couldn't take them. That was when he saw the ferrets, and it clicked for him. They were adorable, he could bring them anywhere, he could hide them from his parents, he could even bring them to classes without the teachers knowing, they were perfect.

He jogged over to them and started to look for the perfect one, it stood that they were three months old on a little sign. Most of them looked the same, they were light with brown patterns. Some of them were albinos and were pure white, he thought about taking one of them but then he saw one that he really liked. It looked like most of them except for the fact that the brown parts were much lighter. He stuck his hand into the cage to pet it and it immediately seemed to like him so he picked it up carefully. The ferret immediately started to cuddle up to him, it was like they both knew they were perfect for each other.

He went to the counter and waited in line, there were only five people in front of him so it wasn't too bad

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He went to the counter and waited in line, there were only five people in front of him so it wasn't too bad. He was thinking of a good name for the little one, he didn't want to name it something basic but not something too unique if that makes sense. Then it was his turn and he put the animal on the counter.

"With every animal you get this bag, it contains unlimited ferret food, but you can also feed it raw meat and even eggs if you want" The man gave Percy a brown little sack that apparently contained unlimited food for his ferret, and it came free with the ferret. He took his bag off his shoulder and put it on the counter.

"My money is in there just take out what I earn" The man started to count it, when he was done he gave Percy his bag back. He put the sack into his bag and put it over his shoulder.

"The last thing you need to do is signing this paper that proves that you are the owner of this ferret, just sign it here and put down the name of the ferret" On the paper was a picture of the ferret he had picked, a little fingerprint thing with his paw, his birthday and his sex, the only thing that was missing was the name. Percy signed his name where he was supposed to and then he went for the name, but he couldn't think of one.

'Come on don't be a big walnut and just think of one..' Percy thought for himself before he just thought 'perfect' and he sighed down the name he picked. Walnut.

Percy walked out of the store with his new little friend in his arms, he couldn't stop smiling. He went to the building with chimneys so he could get back to the burrow.

"Okey Walnut, I think this is your first time doing this but don't be scared, this is just a faster way to get home" He put Walnut inside his shirt so his head and little paws popped out, he held him up a bit with his left hand and grabbed the powder with his right and then went into the chimney.

"Weasley burrow!" And within just a few seconds he was back. When he walked out of the chimney the rest of the Weasleys were sitting at the dinner table. As soon as Ginny saw the little creature she got jealous, she had begged Molly for a pet sense she could talk to but never got one.

"Mommy why does Percy get a pet and I don't!" She shrieked and Molly immediately got up and to take the animal from Percy.

"I never told you you could get a pet, give it to your sister she deserves it way more than you do" She put out her hand towards the ferret but Percy slapped it away and took a step back.

"No! He is mine, I bought him with my own money she don't get to have him"

"You do not talk to your mother that way, just give the animal to Ginny you don't need it" Arthur screamed at Percy but he just ran past Molly and up the stairs.

"I have papers that prove I own him, you don't get to have Walnut!" He screamed down the stairs as he closed his door, he picked up the key that he kept in a drawer and locked his door. He went to his bed and picked out Walnut and started to cuddle him, it wasn't long before he heard his parents knocking on the door.

"Open the door Percy, now!" It was Molly, she started to yell at him and Percy just sat on his bed holding his new friend.

"We will be on our way to Hogwarts in two days, don't worry Walnut" He kept whispering to his ferret. And he was right, the next day they visited his mom and she absolutely loved Walnut and he swam together all day. And the day after that he was finally on his way back to Hogwarts, with Walnut in his shirt.   

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