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Out of the hospital and at our home in Rome at last. 

My parents-in-law are asleep, our children are soundly sleeping in their beds. Everyone is safe and sound. 

The security is the tightest it has ever been, guards are inside and outside 24/7, each man is armed to the brim and ready for things I do not want to even imagine. 

"I know it tastes bad, piccolo, just 2 more days to go."- I said softly, kissing Lorenzo's forehead after giving him his medicine, which is sour to the taste. 

I rocked my boy, watching his soundly asleep brother and sisters, my heart at peace at last: all 4 of them are healthy, active, smiley and chatty - just how it was before this terror. 

"Shhh, mamma is right here."- I cooed my baby boy, pecking his temple as he closed his beautiful eyes, slowly falling asleep. 

After a couple of minutes, Enzo was asleep and I laid him in his crib, tucked him and dimmed the lights. I checked on the monitor and only then left the nursery, seeing guards do the usual evening check-up of the mansion. 

It is maddening, there is no serenity, everything is all over the place and I do not know how long my sanity can take it, but Dio, I must be strong for the little ones and my husband, who is restless and the tensest I have ever seen him be. 

I went downstairs to the study, sighing as I found him here, instead of our bed again. 

"Amore, per favore, let's go to bed."- I spoke, kissing the top of his head, my hands gently trailing up and down his muscular arms, seeking his touch and attention that I miss so much. 

"I am sorry, bambina."- sighed Leo, taking my hands in his, kissing them lovingly. 

"It's okay. I know you worry and do everything you can, vita mia."- I said softly, kissing his temple comfortingly. 

Leo turned his Mac off and switched the light off, the two of us finally in silence and alone. 

His arms around my waist, my arms around his neck, his forehead against mine and our lips just an inch apart - the distance that he didn't tolerate and Dio, how much I missed it. My hand cupped his cheek and I kissed my beloved husband passionately, smiling when he hoisted me up as if I weighed nothing, my legs around his lean waist, his sinewy hands on my bum. 

"I am so sorry for being with you so little, amore mio."- apologised Leonardo, guilt entwined in his velvety voice, my lips brushing against his. 

"All that matters to me is that you are here. Our children are our priority and you do prioritise them - that's all that I need. You do your best and I know it, don't blame yourself for anything, amore."- I replied profoundly, hugging him lovingly, my fingertips gently running up and down his broad, hard, vigorous back. 

"But I barely paid you any attention and that's not a treatment I promised you, mio amato tesoro."- he almost whispered against my lips, kissing me amorously, showing me how much he missed me.

"You are with me now."- I spoke into the fervent kiss, my nails digging into his robust back as he devoured my mouth, kissing me as he longed for me, this, us.

"And I won't let go of you, baby girl."- stated my husband, making it a promise that I want him to keep now. 


I missed my Cami.

Being in each other's sight, but unable to find time to be close physically and emotionally - that's the shit I do not want to ever go through again. 

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