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Martina's P.O.V.

I zipped my suitcase, smiling as the sweetest kiss was placed on the top of my head, a pair of strong, warm hands on my shoulders. 

"Hi, mio biscottino."- I spoke with a beaming smile, tilting my head back for my green eyes to lock on the pair of the most heavenly, honey-brown irises. 

"Hi, anima mia."- replied Nic, leaning all the way down to my level as I am seated on the rug, my heart tingling at how he kissed my forehead, so tenderly and mellowly.

"I cannot believe our little getaway is nearly over."- I said softly as he sat behind me, his muscular arms wrapped around my waist, my back leaning on his hard, vigorous front. 

"We still have this whole day to ourselves, mio bellissimo angelo."- stated Nicolas gently, tucking a strand of my blonde hair behind my ear.

"A whole day of you sounds very sweet, mio dolce paradiso."- I replied with a smile, my eyes slowly fluttering close as his knuckles brushed over my cheek, his soft lips against my temple. 

"I don't want this to be small, occasional things for us, mio piccolo zucchero...Rare weekends with you are too little for me, I want to have you all to myself for far longer than that, preferably, forever, 24/7, all over and around me."- stated Nic tenderly as I glanced at him. 

"You want to get into Oxford, so do I, so I thought that we could live together."- said my beloved young man, cupping my cheek, caressing it as I smiled, speechless and my heartbeat as if a ticking bomb.

Nicolas's P.O.V.

This weekend with her flipped my world upside down. 

To fall asleep and wake up with her in my arms, to have her near all the time, to kiss and hold her whenever I want, to spoil and pamper her nonstop, to take her to restaurants and on dates - that's something I want us to have all the time, not just every now and then.

"A beautiful, cosy place of our own. Just you and I."- I said delicately, aware of what kind of life I can give her and cazzo, that's nothing less, than a life full of luxury, comfort, love, safety and happiness. 

"Mi piacerebbe vivere con te, mio dolce amore."- spoke my angel with a radiant smile that brightened once I kissed her, passionately, joyfully, pulling her closer to myself. (I would love to live with you, my sweet love.) 

Tini turned around and I sat her on my lap, smiling into the kiss as she blushed, wrapping her dainty arms around my neck. My hands laid on her beautiful waist, keeping us close, her tiny self safe and adored in my arms. 

"Papà won't take this news well."- said Martina gently, sharing a thought that is on my mind 24/7 nowadays. 

Leonardo won't take it easy on me and I understand him: this is a very big, mature step that requires responsibility and rationality.

But I wouldn't bargain for this if I knew that I cannot ensure his daughter's security, comfort and happiness. I work with papà, I already handle business deals and projects of my own, therefore, my bank account already is big enough for me to allow myself to get a spacious, beautiful house or penthouse to live in with my girlfriend and, even though she is more than capable of tending to her own financial expenses, I want and can cover her expenses too, effortlessly and gladly. 

"I will talk to him, I will work this out, mio adorabile angelo."- I promised her, having this under control, and smiled once she kissed me fondly, hugging me tightly. 

"Your parents raised such a charming gentleman."- spoke my sweetness with the cutest smile, my heart racing as I admired this sunny smile, on my knees for it.

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