Chapter 2: A New Friend & Rejection

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Arielle took the elevator all the way down to the thirtieth floor which is where the second cafeteria was. You'd think for such a large building, they'd just invest in vending machines, she thought to herself. The short journey did help soothe her nerves though. Alexander was a powerful man who practically held the business world in the palm of his hand.

She hoped to have made a good first impression. She saved money to buy proper business clothes, but it was rather difficult. All the clothing stores that she had access to only sold clothes that she was not comfortable wearing. They were too tight or too short and showed too much skin for Arielle. So it was easy to imagine how excited she was when she found the long pleated silk skirt in her local thrift shop. She found a lot of second hand clothing there that fit the business look just enough while also helping her to follow her convictions.

The sight before her was quite interesting. Grown adults in expensive suits were walking throughout the large cafeteria that resembled a high school cafeteria with a hint of wealth added to it. She walked up to one of the side vendors that stood in front of the various coffee machines. It was a young man with ginger hair and light green eyes. Freckles decorated the center of his face before disappearing towards each cheek.

Said young man stared down at his phone seemingly bored with his surroundings. Arielle cleared her throat which took him completely off guard. He looked up fast and threw up his right hand that successfully knocked over one of the syrup bottles.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry!" Arielle exclaimed. She reached out her hands helplessly as it fell further than she could catch it.

"I-It's okay." He stuttered. His eyes were wide as he stared at the woman in front of him. He fumbled his hands before sticking one out towards her.

"The name's Jeremy." He said. Arielle gave him a gentle smile before taking his hand for a friendly shake.

"Hi, Jeremy. My name's Arielle."

"Haven't seen you around here before," he chuckled nervously. "Are you new?"

"It's my first day actually," she beamed. "I'm just here to pick up two cups of coffee. Mine will be a caramel frozen cold brew." She began. She started racking her brain when she realized that Alexander had not given her his order.

In the meanwhile, Jeremy was attempting to collect his heart back into his chest. Her bright smile made it beat erratically. He felt silly for reacting so sloppily, but he was taken aback by her appearance. She wasn't dressed like the rest of the people here. Something about her ensemble screamed elegance instead of NYC business. It made her appear beautifully feminine. Her eyes were striking. They were dark brown and almond shaped and her lashes shot up tall, only drawing attention to them further.

Jeremy began to make her cold brew as Arielle took in his appearance. Jeremy was a tall man. He stood a little taller than the majority of the men in the cafeteria. His stature caused him to appear more intimidating than he actually was. Yet his soft green eyes told another story.

"Well, welcome to AMI. You surely are dressed to impressed. Do you work in accounting or as a secretary?" Jeremy inquired.

"I'm actually an intern." She spoke proudly. He nodded casually. Many interns walked in and out of their building on a daily basis. It was nice to have another one around, but sadly most got bored shadowing the accountants and software developers. The building had a diverse set of careers and even with that, many couldn't handle the boring routine.

"That's cool," he said. "What career path are you pursuing?"

"Overall business. I really love the details that come with it. Thinking of various strategies and learning better ways to invest." She paused as a blush rose to her cheeks. "I wish that I had strategized better before coming down here. I don't even know what he wants as his drink." Jeremy chuckled at her.

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