Chapter 5: Security in the Cafe

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Arielle's alarm clock rang out in a light and gentle tune as it did every Sunday morning. The cozy thick blanket draped over most of her body, although one leg always went rogue and found itself exposed each morning. Her attempts to recover them were feeble as her alarm clock continued to go off and she knew that it was time to get up.

The need to be cozy easily became over shadowed as her excitement for the day filled her. It was always a treat for her as the end of the week drew near and the beginning met her again because that meant she would be able to fellowship with her dear friend and congregation that were a family to her. To come together with like minded individuals that loved the Lord as much as she did.

She looked forward to each Sunday, so much so, that she created a calmer ring tone that would help set a proper mood for her day. The comfort from her sheets were easily forgotten while she was away with her mother at church.

Content with solace, she rolled over, abandoning her blanket altogether. The light from her phone illuminated the dim room. There was plenty of time for her to get ready.

She grabbed the pillow that her mother had gifted to her. It's crisis cross patterns were mesmerizing as they were in Arielle's favorite colors, lavender and green. The two always reminded her of a beautiful field in the middle of spring. She placed the fluffy pillow onto the ground gingerly as it would be the cushion for her knees as she leaned against her bed to pray.

Tidal waves of thoughts hit her all at once as she remembered yesterday and what that day had brought.

Quickly, she reached for the forest green journal off of her nightstand and decided to jot more down onto the list she had created. It was a nature themed book with little flowers lining each page. It was rather simple, nothing considerably intrinsic about it, but it had encouraged her to write her prayer requests down when she had first begun her consistent morning routine. There was something inherently therapeutic about checking off her prayers that she brought before God. It had strengthened her faith to look back and see everything that He answered.

She wrote neatly on the pre-lined pages;

1. Protection for my mother and I
2. Mother and I's walk with God
3. Boss and Coworkers' salvation and safety

Her list held over twenty things that she planned to pray on this morning such as her best friend and future spouse and so one, but those three things would hold special attention during her quiet time with God. Regardless of what that strange man, Lorenzo, had said to her, she knew that God would work it out for her good. Not just her's, but Alexander's as well.

She felt sympathy towards her boss. His life had clearly not been easy. He sacrificed a lot to accomplish all that he had and it was as remarkable as it was sad. She would be sure to pray for his peace daily.

For the next hour, she spoke to God. Immediately after she dove into her daily reading. The Book of Matthew was her focus of the week. Time had scurried along and soon she had finished.

There was something refreshing about focusing on God each morning even if she hadn't done any physical routine as of yet. After completing her morning Bible study, she walked over to her closet and grabbed a plain dress. She kept her next routine simple, with just the basic necessities for her day and then slipped on her dress with her hair tied back into a low loose bun. Her usual wispy hairs, fell onto her face, framing it.

The mist of the morning clouded her windows just as the steam from the shower delicately blanketed the mirror.

Once she exited her room, she was immediately greeted by the scent of her mother's amazing cooking. Angelina turned to smile over at her daughter. She had also woken up early to pray and cook breakfast before they would leave for church. She had been waiting for her daughter to open up about what had happened yesterday.

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