Chapter 8: "Hi, Mom"

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Alexander woke up earlier than he usually would on this Saturday morning. His weekends usually consisted of going to the private gym in his penthouse, entertaining last minute meetings, and trying not to think too hard about Lorenzo and his men's antics.

This past week had been difficult enough. Arielle had hardly spoken to him, not that he blamed her. She seemed to have magnified all of her focus into the work he had given her. He attempted to place less work under her nose, but to no avail. The unwavering brunette wouldn't sing a new tune any time soon for her boss.

Along with the freezing cold shoulder he had been dealt, his estranged cousin contacted him in the middle of his work week. Practically haunting every thought in his mind as he gave cryptic details on something he described as important, yet he remained vague in their brief chat. This cousin of his wanted to meet today. This very morning to be exact. Yet Alexander didn't want to move from the lush mattress below him. He blew out a breath as he stared at the tall ceilings above him.

Due to his sleepiness, it appeared as though they were moving. The coffered tiles held dark mahogany tones that swirled within each one. They were mesmerizing and the perfect distraction in his grogginess. Beckoning for him to remain in the comfort of the thick blankets that his elderly maid had selected for him.

Maybe just a little longer, he pondered.

His phone rang loudly, interrupting the silence of his room and the conniving suggestion of his mind. A groan escaped his lips as he propped his head up and glanced down at the number. The screen displayed a randomly colored background with his cousin's number shining brightly in the center. Alexander didn't know Vincent very well anymore, they had stopped talking in his teens, but he knew now that this man was insistent and mildly irritating to deal with.

Like a whirlwind, he slammed his head down back onto the oversized and overfilled pillows resting his eyes. Just a little while long-

Ring! Ring!

"Ugh!" He complained and yelled. "Fine!"

A knock came to his door.

"Yes?" Alexander called out.

"Sir, is everything okay?" Greta's voice called back with concern laced in her words. Alex sighed and pulled himself from the bed. He would not be getting anymore sleep, that became apparent to him. A long thick robe hung over the large, throne like seat by his fire place. He grabbed hold of it, quickly pulling it on and tying it close before yanking open the tall bedroom door.

The short gray haired woman smiled up at her boss. That smile almost immediately softened his heart. Greta had worked for him over the years and had quickly become like a mother figure to him. She cared more for his well-being than most people did.

"Yes, Greta. I'm doing well. Could you possibly tell your husband, Richard, that I'll be needing to leave in the next hour? I have a meeting."

Greta rolled her eyes and smiled. "You are always working. Do you know what off days are, by any chance?" She joked. Although she made light of it, the look of motherly concern always fell into her gaze. Alexander knew that her doting actions always sprung forth from a sincere place.

He grinned as his eyes filled with amusement. "This is new information to me or perhaps another language altogether. Maybe another time, you can expand upon this strange term."

Greta slapped his arm and shook her head. "Men," she began with a light laugh. "I'll never understand the lot of you."

"Ah, but you love us." Alex replied.

"As though you were my own," she smiled and stared at him for a little while. Her eyes traced his face, almost memorizing each feature. But the old maid caught him studying her. Greta quickly averted her gaze before he could catch the sadness in her eyes and soon she made her way down the long halls as though nothing had happened at all.

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