Chapter 20: Dreams & Rumors

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If a perfect day exists, it was this. Blue skies, soft winds, clouds that easily mimicked marshmellows dancing in their own world above, and a harmony that couldn't be exactly placed- all at once. Alexander found himself getting lost at the beauty of it all, absorbing it all in.

One moment, he was in his car, drifting off to sleep to the sound of the creatures running and flying just a few feet from him, living in the world they had always known. In the next moment, he was there. His troubles appeared to melt away and all the worry, concern, and fear was as a long forgotten tale.

He brought his hand before his face. He felt as if a perfect cool breeze like bubble laid on his skin. His temperature never growing too warm or too cold. He was perfectly safe from the troubles of his past, unable to remember them.

His shirt billowed in the wind, the ties of his collar tickled his chin, and even that felt more gentle than it would on a normal day for him. This wasn't his world, he knew that, but he felt that it could be. It could be if he made a necessary choice.

Everything was soft where he stood. It felt as if pain didn't exist there.

Yet an understandable curiosity took hold of him. His eyes scanned his surroundings, but between the lack of people, buildings, and even little critters- he held no idea as to where he was. It was as if with his problems, society had also disappeared.

Moving his hand through his hair, he returned his attention directly ahead of him.

Squinting his eyes, he stared forward. He could see two people sitting under a tall, vibrantly green tree. The overstretching branches successfully kept them under its shade, with only a few streams of light peaking through the leaves.

A woman sat beside a man who was noticeably taller than her. Her face was beaming and her parted hair could be seen gently pulled back from her face, as the wind tugged it behind her.

The man beside her wore a peaceful expression on his face, enjoying her company. He wore a long white robe. Something that he found to be rather unique as he couldn't think of a time that he wore such a garment. He hadn't seen anyone wear that attire in their day and age.

He studied them for a moment. They spoke like close friends, family even. And he had the strong desire to sit near them if they'd allow it. He had a feeling they would.

Their laughter could be heard from afar as if the wind carried it to where he stood. And it didn't take long for him to realize that her laughter in particular was one that he recognized.

Yet his mind was temporarily distracted as he noticed something tickling his knuckles. The fuzzy object was cool to the touch. Glancing down, he noticed a tall golden flower had perched up on his hand. As if it was a domesticated animal, he pet it gently, but he felt an urgency to walk toward the two people beneath the tree.

Each step he took seemed feeble as the meadow grew in size. In amazement, he searched about, realizing that this meadow seemed to be unending and it only expanded as he went.

Tension around his ankle began to form and Alexander could feel something tugging him backward. Puzzled, he attempted to figure out what it was. Each step he took resulted in a tug.

Left foot, tug.

Right foot, tug.

And soon a strange noise jostled him. Startled, he looked for the sound, taking shallow breaths as he did. The comfort he felt moments before seemed to be stolen from him as he sought out the reasoning for this new obstacle.

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