Chapter 32: A Question For You

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Alexander paced back and forth. His mind raced as he pondered about countless ideas.

What should I do? He wondered. Raking his fingers through his hair, he tapped his foot, lost in thought. With a sigh, his fingertips settled on his cheekbones as he struggled to find a plan that sufficed.

Alexander thought back to the moment he received the news about Arielle. He was beyond relieved. Relief was quite an understatement to describe how he felt at that moment. He knew that someway, somehow- Arielle would be found and so hearing the news that she had been rescued from her captor, a man who hated him, filled him with gratitude. He was over the moon, over the sun, and all of the stars God placed in their orbit.

Yet despite his gratitude and relief, Alexander was at a standstill. He didn't want to overwhelm Arielle by abruptly arriving on her doorstep, but he didn't want to oversimplify something so serious with a text message.

Wouldn't she need time? he thought to himself.

But he desired to apologize for the whirlwind he brought her into, even if it was brief.

Alexander took a deep breath and scolded himself. Surely, he knew better. Although he was not a seasoned Christian like Arielle's Pastor or as Arielle and her mother were the fast he had embarked on resulted in him learning numerous things. Things including how to hold onto faith and be consistent in prayer. Simple, yet powerful lessons that were taught throughout scripture.

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;"
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭6‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

"I shouldn't be overthinking," he mumbled to himself. With a sigh, Alexander shook his head. "I can't fall back into old habits."

Kneeling beside his bed, Alexander placed his head against his hands and began to pray. As he prayed, the surrounding sounds of the wind banging against the window and the footsteps of Greta passing through the halls were drowned out. He felt it was necessary to repent of the worry he pressed into.

"Forgive me, Father. I trust You. You know better than I do. Forgive me please for my worry and overthinking. Please show me how to go about this. Please show me what to do with what you have shown me in Your Word. Help me not to forget what you've taught me during the fast." He began.

Alexander stayed where he was for the next half hour with his head still in his hands as he prayed quietly. He could feel the presence of the Lord there with him. After a while of speaking, he waited quietly for God, waiting for a response. He kept his mind on Jesus as he did. Time became nothing and it flowed as he focused on him.

After another half hour passed, Alexander's heart was at ease. It was a peace that was strong and encompassing.

"Thank you, Father." He whispered and opened his eyes. He glanced out his window, the movement of the trees capturing his vision. "Everything you make is beautiful." He continued.

"And I made you," Alexander heard within him. Joy welled up in his heart.

"You did, Jesus. You did." With a smile, Alexander moved from where he knelt and decided that he would do exactly what he knew was right to do.

It was becoming quicker and easier for Alexander to recognize God's voice as he continued to spend time with Him daily. He heard Jesus' voice loud and clear in the cabin and he received confirmation after confirmation that it was in fact, God's will for him to marry Arielle.

He walked over to his mahogany desk and pulled out the weighty wooden chair. Deciding that he would begin all of this with a letter addressed to her. He knew that this was the first step to something much bigger.

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