Chapter 27: Seeing Red

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Alexander sighed while grinding his teeth without realizing it as he laid in bed. The past few nights had been rather strange. Clanging, swishing, and bumping noises made its way into the home. The thick walls and insulation seemed to do little to keep all the sounds out.

Alexander found himself questioning if it was Devin, his guards, or the uninvited visitor. He tried to fend off the questions he couldn't answer as a means to ease his mind.

As the days had dragged on, he conceded to the realization that he didn't need to know who the univited visitor was. It was obviously another one of Lorenzo's men. Another nameless face to Alexander, but ever since God had woken him up, bringing life to his spirit, he couldn't help but acknowledge the presence of theirs.

He had become much more aware of spiritual things. More things were temporary than he once realized, but he knew that mankind was never meant to stop existing, but to go on and live with the King for all of eternity.

Another swishing noise brought Alexander out of his thoughts. His eyes scanned above the trees, not bothering to move out of bed to look below. There was no point. It could either be his guards or the hooded man and it was hard to differentiate between the two in the darkness.

Yet his eyes would occasionally settle on the glow of the moon light that poured through the sheer curtains. The thin veil-like curtains draped over the window pane like a stilled stream of water, and the light glistened as it sparkled past the window pain, illuminating each rain droplet that settled there.

Even the gentle brush of wind could be felt on his skin, slipping in through the cracks around the frame. Yet to his sadness the rain had stopped and he found himself missing the pitter patter of each drop. And in its absence, the silence became louder and every second boomed.

Every. Second. Boomed.

The evening could easily be defined by two words.

Swoosh. Swivel.

If his guards moved, his ears would perk at the sound with his head turning to follow it. It had quickly become a constant pattern. It was as if it had a mind of its own and Alexander couldn't deny that it was beginning to make him feel unsettled. "Why am I acting this way?" He thought to himself.

Even the squirrels, the birds, and the field mice had become suspects to him. The negative feeling that had begun welling up within him was growing by the second, as if they had evolved into persistant weeds. He tried to push it down and away, yet it continued as if to challenge him.

Each weed of emotion labeled- One as fear, another as doubt, another as panic. They pushed and prodded against him.

"I can't be this way," he thought. He attempted to keep his breathing steady and his heart calm. He could feel the sudden emotions swirling and growing in his abdomen. Threatening to remove any peace inside him.

Yet as if a lightbulb went off, a simple instruction could be heard. Pray.

Taking a deep breath, Alexander closed his eyes and began to speak quietly to the Lord.

Every few seconds, his dark eyes would open, staring at the ceiling as he continued to talk to the only One who could keep him safe and emotionally stable. It didn't take him long into his walk to see why people like Arielle or his godmother sought their time with the Lord so regularly. They were diligent in their seeking of Him.

Alexander's heart rate began to slow down and he didn't bother to turn his gaze over to the clock anymore, he knew it was late. it was much later than he planned to stay awake, but there he was. If it weren't for leaning into the Lord with prayer, he would be at the brink of his sanity and still awake.

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