Chapter 3

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"Bambi, where are you?" Dad broke into the cafe shop like he was on a mission, and everyone there was too stunned to react. They were afraid that one wrong move could cause grave damage. "Jolene!" The amount of relief he felt when he saw me was reflected in his eyes. My dad was caring and too overprotective of me. I am grateful for him, but he can be overdramatic sometimes.

"Dad, I'm okay! How did you know what happened?" I asked as I hugged him back. I looked at Phoebe and saw her whistling. "Phoebe, why?"

"You know I can't hide anything related to your safety from your dad. You can't blame me. I was worried sick, too; you survived being collateral damage from a car crash. You're like a cat!" Phoebe explained, and I chucked.

"Joe, are you hurt anywhere? Do we need to go to the hospital? Why am I asking you? Let's go anywa-"

"I'm fine. I only have a bruised elbow, nothing more, thanks to this brave man. Dad, this is Atlas. He pushed me out of harm's way, hence my bruise. He saved my life."

As soon as I said that, dad Shook Atlas's hand firmly and patted his back. "Young man, I'm in debt to you. You saved my gem. Thank you! How can I ever repay you?" dad asked, and Atlas smiled. His business face was on.

"It's already been repaid. Your lovely daughter invited me for a cup of coffee per my request. It's only the natural thing to do. You don't owe me anything." Atlas was a gentleman who kept smiling the whole time. "Now that I know Jolene is okay and the man who crashed the car, because it slipt, was fine too, I must return to work. Stay safe and goodbye,"

"Thank you again, and goodbye, Atlas. God bless you." I waved, and he was out. "Now, let's return to the company. There are contracts to sign,"

Dad laughed as he grabbed my arm. "You will return home for the day and rest. I will not take a no for an answer. Phoebe, I am entrusting her to you, don't let her work. Watch a movie for all I care. Just don't stress or think. Let your mind take a break. Okay?"

"With pleasure, Mr. Dante. Let's go, Joe." They did not give me time to protest. We were already on our way home.

"You know... Atlas was cute," Pheobe said as she drove like a maniac. I hated how fast she drove. However, I did not dare say anything because whatever I might say regarding the speed, she would tease me and drive faster.

"Really? He's your type? I mean, he was good-looking but not my type," I replied, grabbing the handle tightly.

"Not my type either, yet his eyes were so cute. It was like I was staring into a baby's eyes. So wide and pure!"

"Pheobe, honey... you have a boyfriend."

"I know! Can't I look at other guys? I love my boyfriend, but I need a fresh view every once in a while to remind me how much I prefer to be with him. You will never get it since you never had a boyfriend. It's about damn time you find one, though."

She was right. I never had a boyfriend because I was too busy securing my career. I was twenty-seven, with no guy friends even. The only males I interacted with were related to work and dad.

Will I ever find my man?


"Thank you, Pheobe. I called your brother to pick you up since it's too late and he works nearby. He's waiting for you outside. See you tomorrow, dear. If you want, you can take a day off; I don't mind." I heard dad say, but I could not open my eyes. I did work too hard for the past couple of months, and my body was screaming for a reset.

"I will come to work; what will I do at home? Good night, Mr. Dante, oh and don't wake her up. She just fell asleep. Bye," Pheobe replied, and then I heard the door close. Pheobe was a great friend, she was the sister I had never had, and dad loved her like a second daughter. We were high school classmates, and our bond strengthened when she first applied to work in our company. Dad liked her seriousness when she was working and sense of humor when on a break, and I could not agree more. She was the best addition to our family.

"Bambi, I love you. You are my forever sweetheart. Sleep tight, dear." Dad covered my body with a thick blanket and kissed my forehead.

"I love you, dad." I had to reply but did not feel like opening my eyes yet. He was too sweet and innocent for this world. I was lucky to have him as my father. "Sleep on the other couch. It's cozy here." I added as I yawned.

"Okay, I will bring my blanket and pillow. Be right back," he said and walked up the stairs. As I was drifting back to sleep, his phone beeped three times. It was his work email, and I had to see who sent them past midnight. I got up and grabbed his phone. The headline said "Business Partnership - Italy," and I got intrigued since we did not have a branch of our watches in Italy.

"What are you doing?" I jumped and dropped the phone at dad's voice. "Sorry, but why are you up?" he asked and grabbed his phone off the carpet.

"I heard your phone beeping, and I looked at it since it was related to work, you know, the three beeps."

"Yeah, and what did it say?" he asked as he sat next to me.

"A business partnership from Italy. Do you know anyone there?" I asked.

His eyes widened, and he immediately opened the email. "Italy, you said? Of course, I know someone from Italy!" he remarked. "And so do you, Bambi!"

I arched my eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean? I don't remember ever going to Italy or having someone from there here."

"You don't remember because you were only two. Let me read what it says, and then I can tell you a story." Dad did not allow me to ask any more questions since he dove into the emails. His smile never left his face until he read something that made him curse. "That will never happen!"

"What? Dad! Tell me." I shook his body, and he looked at me.

"Fine. I will tell you, but let go of my arm. Your grip is deadly." I chuckled and let go. "I used to have an Italian best friend, Paolo, who died when you were two. He had a son, who was your friend, by the way. This same son wants a partnership with our company. His name is Dario Romano, a twenty-eight-year-old Mafia boss."

"Mafia?" I did not expect that.

"Yes, he controls one of the world's biggest Mafias and is respected all over Italy, especially in Sicily. I loved that kid, and I had hoped he would pick a different career path. Anyways, his email states that he wants to enter the business world and secure a legal income for his off-springs in the future. He does not have any children now, but when he does, he wants them to end this illegal legacy and live normally. I was happy about his offer... until I read his note at the end."

"What was it?" Dario sounded like a serious guy who cared about the far future.

Dad looked me in the eyes and sighed. "Dario wants you to go to Sicily and take care of the contracts and everything else until the branch is open."


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Chapter 4 is out now on inkitt :)

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