Chapter 11 - Dario

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An early update just because I got excited :)

An Important note: I use Google Translate and other websites to write the Italian phrases in this book, so I am not an expert on the language. You might find mistakes, and I apologize. Moreover, I will not put the English translation in brackets because I want you to experience what Jolene goes through in this novel. If she decides to translate what she hears, you will know, but if she doesn't, you will feel her confusion. This is my method for this book.

 I hope you like it!


"So, you are keeping an eye on Jolene Hansley? How come?" Enola asked once she placed Andrea, my two-year-old nephew, in his bed. It was seven in the morning, and he could not sleep all night due to a high fever. So, I decided to stay at her house since her husband was out of town for one night. He had to attend a meeting I ordered and asked me to look after his son.

I was a mafia don, so Andrea's existence in my life eased some of the nightmares. I killed many unholy people and destroyed their crooked businesses without any regret. I was not a saint, but they were irrational blood-craving monsters. They did not care about the consequences of their actions, so I terminated them. However, the looks their children gave me when they learned about their parent's death broke my heart.

I was selfish there and did not think about the situation thoroughly. Therefore, I promised myself never to end someone's life without preparing the necessary means for the children's survival. I helped them find new warm homes and secured them financially. Despite some of the mafia members' protests, that was the least I could do to help innocent people live.

"Her dad asked for a favor to watch over his daughter, and I don't know why yet, but I will find out soon. Dante agreed to open a Hansley's Watches branch in Sicily, so I did not push for answers. I got what I needed for a reasonable cost." Her vague situation in New York bothered me, so I decided not to open up to her until I could trust her with the real reason she was partnering up with me in Sicily. Not even Enola knows why I want her.

Enola nodded as she sat on the couch. "Don't mess with her. Uncle Dante entrusted you with her safety; you better do a damn good job at it. Don't pull your 'I am dangerous and cold' vibes on her. Remember, she is not a part of the mafia. For all we know, she could be a fragile and kind woman," my sister said firmly, and I nodded. Not because I felt intimidated by her but because I did not have the willpower to argue with her.

"I better head to my house and shower before I pick her up from the airport," I said as I grabbed my car keys.

"You should because you reek of barf, and let me meet her when she settles down. Arrivederci!"

I sniffed my sweater, and the smell was horrible. My little Andrea was too precious to get sick. "Ci vediamo dopo," I replied and headed out.


I stripped from my clothes and entered the bathroom. There was a huge mirror, so I could not help but glance at the big scar on my left side and sigh. It was my daily reminder of all the bad things I have done and, sadly, am still doing in my life.

 I will stop one day but not today.

I ran my hand along the scar and shook my head. "One can never be careful enough." I ran the water and scrubbed my body. After I made sure the smell was gone, I turned off the water and stepped out of the bathroom. I wrapped a towel around my waist and opened my laptop.

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