Chapter 4

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"I have never been to Italy. I would love to go!" I said enthusiastically.

Dad sighed and held my hand gently. "There is a reason you haven't been there, sweetie, and Dino is why... well, the mafia world is the reason. I did not want you to get involved with any kind of danger. I will not allow you to go, and if he insists on it, the deal is off."

"Wait, dad! This is a golden opportunity to expand our company outside America. If he wants me to go, then I will go." I could not believe that he would instead let this chance slip away due to fear.

"That's the thing; why doe he wants you and not me?"

"I am the CEO, and you said it, dad. We were friends back then. I probably don't remember him, but he might remember me. So, he wants to reconnect, maybe?" I suggested, hoping to convince this stubborn man, and dad thought it through.

I waited for a few minutes as he probably thought of the worst scenarios that could diminish my odds of going. "Even so, Sicily is too dangerous. No means no. I will ask him if I could go instead since I am the owner; if not, Dino does not enter our company." Dad was firm, and it was the first time he had refused any of my requests. "He could come to New York and settle the deal instead. I will see what he thinks about that."

"Okay, ask him, and whatever happens, dad, I will go with whatever you decide," I replied and hugged him.

"You know that it is for the best, right?" he asked, and I nodded. "I will reply to his email, go to sleep. I will tell you what he says in the morning."


"Guess what, Bambi?"

I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock. It was five in the morning. "What?"

"The deal is off. Dino will not come to New York and insists that you go, so I declined his offer. He is too persistent and said his offer is valid until we change our minds... which will never happen." Dad handed me a cup of warm milk, and he quietly ate an apple.

"You never know. You might change your mind later on. Stay open-minded, dad."

"Aha. Let's go; I decided we will take the day off today. I contacted Pheobe, and she will inform the board members and everyone else. We will have fun today!"

I smiled and stood up. "What is your idea of fun?"

"Go buy spicy books and read for hours in a cozy diner."

"You know me too well. The bookshop doesn't open until eight, and it's still five-thirty. Let's make pancakes, and watch a movie first," I suggested, and he agreed. "It's been a while since we had these father-daughter dates."

"Yes, I missed hanging out with my treasure."


After dad surprised me with his book choices, which were too steamy for my taste, we walked to a diner next to the bookshop. Dad did not go on dates, so I believed reading these types of books was his way of coping. "Bambi, why don't you have a boyfriend?" I almost choked on my water, and he looked concerned. "I am so sorry; I didn't mean to startle you. You don't have to answer. You know, let's change the subject-"

"Dad, relax. It's okay. I just didn't expect this question from you." I wiped the water off the table and smiled. "I don't have a boyfriend yet because I don't have the time to go and explore. The company has taken over my life, and I am not complaining. I love it."

"Wait, hold on! I don't want you to be a single lady all your life just because you worked too much. I want you to share your life with the right person, one I will approve of. Bambi, you are intelligent, independent, beautiful, caring, and witty. If you search for the one, no one will say no to you."

"Dad, I am not that great. I have my flaws, and not everyone finds them normal."

"Bullshit, you are perfect."

"I am your daughter. Of course, I am perfect in your eyes, but others might find my misophonia annoying, for example. I can't stand chewing noises, the clock ticking, snoring, or even breathing near my ear. I can't treat this, so I don't want to let anyone into my life without them knowing all these things about me. Or else, a murder scene might happen..." I explained and half-joked at the end. My misophonia was severe, and if someone really triggered me, I would flip. Luckily, dad and Pheobe were considerate.

"You will find someone willing to spend the rest of his life with you and your flaws. Don't worry, and let's order something. I am starving." Dad was really the perfect father.

"I want an egg sandwich, three bagels, and orange juice, please," I ordered when the waiter came to take our orders. "What about you, dad?"

"I want a slice of cheesecake, two bagels, and water. Thanks," dad said, and the waiter nodded and returned to the kitchen. "By the way, this book is so romantic. You should read it when I finish it."

I looked at the cover and blushed. "Dad! Seriously?"

"What? It's healthy," he reasoned, and I laughed. "Man, I do need to go out on a date. Hopefully, I can meet a nice woman soon."

I smirked. "You will, dad, no worries. You are quite the catch. Handsome, tall, clever, sweet, and rich - if money matters." Dad said he needed a date, but deep down, I knew he was not ready yet to let go of mom even after twenty-seven years. She was his first love and probably last. I felt sorry for him, yet I admired his love for her. Mom, if you could see dad right now... Know that he is still madly in love with you.

As I was about to open my book to read, someone called my name, and I turned around to see who it was. "Atlas? Hey, how are you today?" I smiled and got up to greet him properly.

"I am great. I see that you are doing well. Good morning, sir," he replied and shook dad's hand.

"Good morning, Atlas. Please, take a seat."

"I wish I could, but I just came to take my order. I have an appointment. Thank you, though." Atlas smiled and went to take his order once they called his name. He came back a few seconds later. "Anyway, it was nice meeting you. Goodbye."

"Have a nice day," I said and sat back down. "What are the odds of meeting him two days in a row?" I commented, and dad chuckled.

"He seems decent. Why don't you ask him out?" Dad's questions never fail to surprise me.

"He does seem decent, but unfortunately, he is not my type."

"Oh, so you do have a type! Describe him for me."

"Dad, look. The food is here. Now eat."

Sometimes, dad sounds like a mom. Was it his way of taking in both parental roles?

"Bambi, the look you are giving me is telling me something. I am only trying to make a conversation that might interest you," dad remarked, and I chuckled. Was I that obvious?

"Okay, dad. You don't need to force yourself to discuss uncomfortable topics with me. I don't care as long as you are with me."

"Good because that 'birds and bees' talk when you were young was so awkward. I hope it is not the reason why you are still single."



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Chapter 5 is out now on inkitt!

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