Chapter 21

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After giving it some thinking, I agreed to help Dario by talking to Niccolò. We got down to the living room, waiting for Lazlo to arrive.

After a few minutes of complete silence, my stomach grumbled, and I cursed my luck. "Are you hungry? Do you want to eat anything?" Dario asked as he brought me a glass of water. His courtesy toward me was unusual since we constantly fought, but I guessed he was slightly empathetic. 

I decided not to comment on his gentility and smiled.

"I made cookies a while ago, but they're still in the room downstairs. I forgot them there since you forcibly dragged me out." Without saying anything else, he walked away, leaving me to my thoughts, and got back a minute later with the plate in his hands. 

I smiled at his gesture. 

"Have some," I offered as I ate silently, and he hesitantly took one and stared at it for a few seconds. He was obviously reluctant to put it in his mouth but then gathered his courage and ate it. "So, now that you know I did not poison them, what do you think?" I asked once he finished eating it.

His expression was unexplainable. Did he like it? Hate it? What?

"So?" I urged for him to speak as he took his damn his time to give me a simple reply.

He cleared his throat as he took another one. "It's been years since I ate anything sweet, and this is perfecto! I forgot that cookies and chocolate were so good. I missed out!"

My eyes widened at his confession. It was unexpected, yet so Dario. "You have not tasted sweets in years? Why is that?" I asked as I sat crossed-legged on the sofa. He remained in his chair, with his elbows resting on his knees. The sight was attractive since he was in his dress shirt and folded sleeves, but I did not stare much.

"I did not have the time for such leisures due to my business, but I regret it now," he replied and took a third cookie. Silence with him was not always awkward, and I smiled at that. 

"I am sorry for dragging you into all of this shit. If I had killed Atlas before you knew him, you would not be here, chasing your tail to escape from him." His apology came out of nowhere, but I remained calm.

I thought for a second about my reply, and he gazed at me intently, making me feel a bit uncomfortable. "As I said, it's not your fault he developed these fucked up feelings for me. Now, quit yapping and eat before I shove this cookie down your throat!" I remarked, and he smirked almost instantly at my words. My eyes widened when I thought about the double meaning, and I shook my head. "Don't you dare say something dirty!" I warned.

He chuckled. The Mafia don really just chuckled.

"I feel like I have known you all my life, like a pain in the ass. You are too comfortable around me. You are not afraid of stating your thoughts in front of me, even though I am the most feared man in Italy," Dario said in amusement, crossing one leg over the other. 

I imitated his position and crossed my arms, and up for the challenge. "Watching me for the past couple of months makes you think you've known me all your life. However, you don't know much about me, Dario." I looked at him. "Why should I be afraid of a human just like me? You cannot intimidate me into stopping me from expressing my opinions here if that's what you're asking for."

He grinned and leaned back in his chair. "I know I can't; that's not my intention-" before he could finish, there was a heavy knock on the door. "That must be Lazlo and the possible traitor. Are you ready?" he asked for confirmation, and I nodded.

"Yes, let them in," I told him, and he opened the door. His grin was long gone, and his expression screamed authority and power. 

So he lets his guard down around me... why?

Dinner with the Mafia ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang