Chapter 42

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After Enola picked up Andrea, I took a quick shower in my room. Then I helped Dario take one in his room due to his injury, even when I did not believe that excuse anymore. He was perfectly capable of showering without my help. I made him wear boxers regardless of his objection.

Horny ass.

"Now, tell me about the Mafia ball, and why do I have to attend it with you?" I asked as we sat in the living room, watching movies.

Dario turned his body to face me, holding my hand with the cover-up ring. "The Ball is held annually in different cities around the world. This year, it is in Sicily, and I am the main host. Even if we are not on great terms, every mafia leader must be invited, and their presence is mandatory. These are the rules. They are absolute." I nodded for him to keep going.

One place for all those ruthless killers? What a pleasure.

"The Ball's purpose is to create opportunities to discuss grave matters, such as business deals and sales, and possibly make new alliances. Every mafia leader brings a date with him, so you must come with me as my date. I am desperate here! I will not bring any random woman with me. I brought Enola with me all those past years, and she hated every second of it. I am sorry to do this to you, but please, come with me."

"Hold up! You said every mafia leader is invited... does that include the Brambilla Mafia?" I ignored his request to be his date because it was silly, and I would not let a random bimbo cling to his arms while I was in the picture.

Damn, I sound like a crazy jealous girlfriend...

Well, he is my boyfriend.

"Unfortunately, Bambi, yes."

"Does that mean Atlas will show up?" I asked what had been on my mind the moment he explained the situation. 

I will not control myself from killing him if I see him there.

Dario shook his head and kissed my ring finger. "No. Only leaders and their dates and my Mafia are allowed to enter, and Atlas is the son of the Brambilla head, not the leader. Their mafia originated in Naples, but they moved bases to Sicily just to piss us off, hence why they are not the hosts this year. However, I am not counting on the rules for Atlas not to show up or do something stupid. If he plans to come, we will be ready. My security will be the tightest and strongest yet. Don't worry, Bambi."

It was too much to comprehend at once, so it took me a few minutes to ask my next question. "When will it be?"

"April first, a month from today."

"I am almost positive that he will show up. So, whatever plan you have to stop him, let me in on it." He nodded. 

As he reached the popcorn bowl, we heard a crashing sound outside and a loud knock, startling us. "Stay here." He held his gun and walked toward the door, ready for anything. As he was about to open the door and probably shoot whoever it was, I heard a very familiar voice that made me jump.

"Jolene, you in here? I broke a pot by accident. Tell the Mafia Don I am not a threat!"

"Dario, stop!" I yelled and rushed to open the door. The moment I did so, I was tackled to the ground by my best friend. "Oh, Joe! I missed you so fucking much!"

"Phoebe! What are you doing here?" I asked as Dario helped me stand up, and he closed the door behind us. "And I missed you too."

"Well, when Dante went home a bit upset about your fight, I decided it was my time to come and visit my soulmate. Do you know what it's like to work with those chauvinistic assholes without you to put them in line? I wanted a break, so here I am!" I chuckled and hugged her again.

"Welcome to Sicily, Phoebe. Any friend of Bambi is a friend of mine," Dario said as he shook hands with her.

She raised her eyebrows, and I knew a sarcastic remark was coming. "Bambi? Since when are you on nickname bases, Joe?"

"How did you get here?" I dodged her question and glanced at Dario, only to see him smirking like a bitch. He was enjoying this too much.

Phoebe grinned like the devil, aware of what I just did, but decided to let it slide. "When I told Dante I wanted to visit you, he sent a text to Basilio to pick me up from the airport, so here I am. And Basilio sends his regards."

"Now that makes sense. Make yourself at home, Phoebe. Did you eat anything, or shall I prepare something for you?" Dario asked as he poured her a glass of water. He was hospitable, and I liked this side of his. If he were not nice to her, I would whoop his ass.

"Thanks, but I ate on the plane, and to be honest, I just want to sleep." I looked at the clock, and it was almost midnight.

"I will take you to your room then. Dad stayed in it when he was here, which is the cleanest besides our rooms. The rest are clean but not as warm, so let's go. Oh, and there used to be a camera in it, but I made Dario remove it when Dad came." I showed her the way, and Dario followed us with her suitcase.

"Why cameras in the house?" she asked.

"Security purposes," Dario nonchalantly replied.

She came closer to my ear, and I sighed. "He is such a hot gentleman. Did you mark him as yours already?" she whispered with a smirk, and I slapped her head.

"Shut up!"

"Oh my God, you didn't deny it!" she yelled, making Dario and I halt. 

What did I do?

"Listen here, mister Don, if you ever hurt my sister, I will haunt you, skin you alive, rip your ribs, break your bones, and feed you to the whales. Treat her like the badass queen she is, or else I will execute my threat and leave no evidence to incriminate me."

To say that the Italian Mafia Don just gulped out of fear would be an understatement. Phoebe had that effect on people, and I loved her so much and felt lucky to have her in my life.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Now, if you will excuse me, I need my beauty sleep. See you tomorrow, good night!" She shut the door in our faces.

"Remind me to always be on her good side." Dario's unconscious comment made me burst out laughing, and he had to hold me so that I would not fall. "I take innocent women's threats seriously. For all I know, she could have been a serial killer in her past life, so I am not taking any chances." This made me laugh even harder.

"Don my ass! You are a big, soft teddy bear. My teddy bear!" I hugged him and heard Phoebe clap from the other side of the room.

"If you don't make me the godmother to your future children, I will be beyond angry!" she shouted, and I blushed so hard.

It was Dario's turn to laugh.

"Oh, I like her." I slapped his butt, and he wiggled his eyebrows. "Do you want to make those future children now?" he joked, and I rushed to my bedroom because of the embarrassment and the seriousness of his tone.

I will kill Phoebe!



Phoebe is one of my favorite characters. You will love her in the upcoming chapters! 

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