Chapter 51

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"I hate to ask, but do you have any tampons or pads by any chance?" I asked Dario as I clenched my stomach. I was done with my period, but the lack of feminine products here made me wonder. We were sitting in the living room, finishing the website for our branch since the grand opening was tomorrow. We wanted to host it before the Ball, which will be held in less than two weeks. 

I know shit will go down there.

Dario looked at me, puzzled since he was focused on the contract in front of him. "Who do you think I am? Enola?"

"No, you are Enola's brother, who should always keep these things in his house in case she needs any someday," I reasoned with arched eyebrows. My boredom was killing me, but his idiocy would kill him sooner.

"Why can't I ever win an argument with you?"

"Because I'm built different."

"I see that," he smirks, and I uncontrollably clench my legs, feeling hot at his intense gaze.

"I need some cuddles," he whispered. I laughed because a man twice my size who could kill without remorse asked for cuddles. However, his cuddles include hickeys; I could not afford to have those now, not after Lazlo, Abramo, and Phoebe's teasing. 

I thought I covered my neck well with my sweater and hair a while back, but nothing passed my best friend.

"But no kissing!" I warned as I closed my laptop, finally ready for tomorrow. He was not so thrilled, yet nodded and walked toward me with a smirk. "What are you doing?" I asked as he carried me bridal style and walked upstairs. He was way too strong for his own good to be able to lift me with one single move.

"I want to cuddle in my room, not the open living room. Phoebe is somewhere in the house and will disturb our lovely time. It seemed to be her favorite hobby." His reason was valid, but I did not want to agree with him just yet.

"Now, she is not that bad. She is innocent!" I defended her, and he laughed while opening the door, walking inside, and locking it behind us.

"Innocent, my ass. She is the devil who enjoys her time here solely to tease us. Ever since she accepted your offer to work remotely, she encouraged Abramo to make sexual remarks wherever we went! He was dirty-minded before, but now he is worse." Dario was not wrong. Phoebe ruined his man beyond repair. "I know you agree," he added as we laid in bed together. I instantly felt warm since his body heat radiated, especially without a shirt.

I dropped my body on top of his and my head on his neck. I wanted to sleep, but then I remembered something fundamental. "What should I wear tomorrow? It slipped my mind!" I was about to panic and possibly break something by mistake in the process, but I stopped when I felt his warm, firm hands on me.

He was painfully handsome.

Dario cupped my cheeks and kissed my temple. "If it were only us there, I would say commando. Sadly, we can't get everything we want in life," he joked, and I slapped his chest.


"Only for you." I rolled my eyes at his reply that had me jumping on the inside, but I acted calm and collected. "But if you want a serious answer, I got you a black dress because I knew you'd forget. I was surprised that Phoebe did not remind me. I figured she forgot too, so I had Abramo buy her an outfit as well," he explained with a smirk, and I laughed at his cunningness. 

He was brilliant, and I found his wit incredibly sexy.

"Nice move. I am sure that if Phoebe likes Abramo, he will get lucky tomorrow," I replied with a smile and stood up. "Can I see my dress? Thank you for getting me one. You are a life saver." 

He got up from the bed and opened his closet to reveal a breathtaking maxi black dress. The sleeves were not long, but the slit that went up to the right caught my attention. The dress was elegant and expensive, and I fell in love with it. He knew my style very well.

"Do you like it?" he asked, rubbing the nape of his neck. He was nervous, and he looked adorable. But If I told him that, he would kill me. Not really, but I did not want him to feel teased.

I hung it back and stepped closer to my man. "I love it. Grazie mille, Dario." I embraced his torso hard, making us fall back on the bed. I giggled, and he kissed my cheeks despite my warning before. "Dario! I am sleepy and tired. Let's just sleep..." I chuckled as he continued with his love attack. I laughed my heart out once his hands touched my waist, tickling me hard. "S-stop!" His smile made me feel like it was just us in the world, and I did not want tomorrow to come. 

The now is perfect.

"Not a chance," he replied, tickling harder until I kneed his stomach by mistake, making him fall on me. "Shit, I forgot you are damn strong."

I grinned, not feeling too bad about hurting him. "I told you to stop." I kissed his forehead, set the alarm, and went under the covers. "Now, let's sleep, please. We have a long day ahead of us."

"Goodnight, Bambi."


"Joe, did you see what Abramo got me for this evening?" Once Abramo and Dario were out of the house, Phoebe barged into Dario's room, and I groaned at her loud voice. She was too cheerful, and I was too exhausted to open my eyes.

Despite my protests, Dario did not let me sleep until a very late hour because he was feeling horny, like always. He eventually made me cave in and have one of the best nights of my life. We did not go all the way through, but it was so intimate that I got hot every time I pictured his sexy smirk.

"A dress?" I whispered as I sat properly, and she jumped on me in her blue dress. It was the exact color of her eyes, and I smiled happily at her. "You look stunning, Phoebe. But why are you wearing it now? We have a few more hours before the event."

She got up and jumped in it, making me clap for her. "I got excited, so I wanted to try it. It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"Very, and it matches your eyes," I remarked, and her eyes widened.

"That's right! Oh my God, that is so sweet!" she said, and I laughed. I was happy to see her this carefree. Ever since she met Abramo, she had become more optimistic and energetic. I guessed it was about her sharing her past with him. He was the perfect gentleman with her, well, except for the dirty jokes and inappropriate touches here and there. She did not complain, so I was happy for her.

"I am glad you like it," I said, preparing my clothes to shower.

"He will definitely get lucky tonight," she added with a smirk. I knew it. "Show me your dress. I know Dario got you one." She sat on the chair, looking like royalty with the dress on, and I grabbed mine out of the closet. "Oh my! This is glorious, Joe! It will look stunning on you."

"Thank you. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to shower."

"I noticed that you have some of your clothes in his closet, naughty girl," Phoebe almost yelled, and I threw my towel at her. "I bet Dario got lucky last night." 

She was raising her voice on purpose.

"Oh, I sure did," we heard Dario yell back from a different room. I thought he got out of the house. I wanted to hide in a dark hole. 

So, I entered the bathroom and locked the door. 



I hope you like this even though it's more of a filler, 

I will probably update another chapter tomorrow. Stay tuned!

Dinner with the Mafia ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang