Chapter 6

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After my checkup at the hospital, which was good, dad wanted to take me to the police station to request the surveillance camera's footage. He wanted to see how it happened, but I refused. I did not want to make a fool out of myself if I really did slip and fall on my own. However, my gut was telling me otherwise, yet I was too scared to face reality. I preferred not knowing.

"Jolene, baby! I heard what happened. Are you okay?" Phoebe ran to hug me as soon as we stepped out of the car. She was waiting for us outside, on the porch. Phoebe had our house's key but did not use it.

"Yes, I am alright, but damn, news spread to you faster than light. Right, dad?" I eyed him, and he laughed.

Dad opened the door and let us in. "You know that Phoebe and I share everything about you. You can't blame me, plus she kept calling asking why you were not at the company or answering your phone, so I had to tell her."

"Speaking of which, here." She handed me a brand new phone, and I smiled.

"Thank you!"

"Don't thank me, Mr. Dante told me that your phone was in the lake, and he gave me his card number to buy you a new one. I would have bought it from my own money, but he insisted and threatened to fire me."

"Either way, thank you, Phoebe."

"And, I brought the camera footage from a nearby open twenty-four-seven restaurant."

"How?" dad asked, and I paled.

"I have my people," she replied, then looked at me. "I haven't seen it yet because it's your call. Do you want to see it?"

"No," was my instant answer. I was petrified of seeing myself drowning. "Not yet. I am not ready. Keep it with you until I feel ready to watch it, please."

"Whatever suits you, Joe. Just tell me whenever you are ready," Phoebe said and patted my back. "Now, what are we doing today?"

"We thought of staying in to watch movies. The company can relax for a day without us," dad said and turned on the TV. Phoebe nodded, and I went to take a hot shower.

Was it really an accident? I could have sworn someone pushed me off, but Atlas did not see anyone. Unless... No, I should not have these thoughts now.


After I finished my shower, I wore the comfiest outfit and sat with Phoebe and dad. They were fighting over the last cookie, and I could not help but laugh at them. "I see your mood lightened up, now let's start the movie marathon," dad said after he gave up the cookie.

"So, no cookies for me?" I pouted, and Phoebe sighed.

"Fine. Here, just because you almost froze to death today. Don't get used to my generosity."

"Phoebe, I made these," I smirked as I said that, and she gave me the last cookie.

"Can you blame me? Your cookies are the best! Right, Mr. Dante?"

"I agree. Now let's begin." Dad pressed on the remote, and we covered ourselves with blankets.

Right before the opening scene, Phoebe clapped her hands as if she remembered something. "Oh, there is a bazaar downtown in three days, next Saturday, do you want to go with me? It will be a nice experience for you both. I want to buy handmade bracelets, and you will find literally everything you want there."

"Yeah, sure. We don't work on Saturdays, and we don't have plans. Right, dad?"

"I am in, and I want to see if they sell secondhand books."


"I am so glad we came. Look at these beautiful necklaces that I bought. Oh, and this bag. They are authentic with great quality," I said as I showed my purchases to Phoebe and dad. "What did you guys buy?"

Dad held out a bag full of business books, and I chuckled. Typical. "And they were so cheap! I bought seven books for fifty bucks. How crazy is that?" he excitedly remarked. He was not used to buying these books for such prices, and something tells me he will hunt for every bazaar from now on.

"You are welcome," Phoebe said as she held out her bag. It was filled with bracelets, rings, and fancy pens. "My stuff is amazing. Look!" she pulled out every item and placed it on our bench. She was right. They were beautiful. "I am getting hungry. What about you guys?"

"Yeah, same. I will buy muffins from that bakery. What do you want?" I asked them and held my purse.

"Muffins will do, chocolate and blueberries," dad replied, and Phoebe nodded. "Do you want me to go instead?"

"No, I want to walk." I stood up and stretched my arms. "See you in a bit." I strolled toward the bakery and felt lucky because it was almost empty. I had been eyeing the store for half an hour, and it was too full for me to enter it. I smiled as I opened the door where all the delicious aroma filled my nostrils.

"Hi, how can I help you?" the worker asked as I stood before her.

"Can you give me three blueberry muffins and three chocolate muffins to go, please?"

"Of course, give me a few minutes. You can sit over there if you want."

"Sure, thank you." I held out my purse, paid, then sat on the chair next to the window. It was closed due to the cold, but the view was breathtaking, and the snow added to its beauty. Life was beautiful; we just needed to appreciate it more.

"Your muffins are ready, have a lovely day!"

I stood up and smiled. "That was quick, thank you. Enjoy the rest of the day," I replied and walked out. The chilly air hit my face, and I felt refreshed and alive. I saw dad and Phoebe looking at me, and I tried to wave at them, but the two bags of muffins and my purse did not help.

I thought the day was peaceful and full of joy until I felt a sharp pain in my left shoulder. I screamed and saw dad and Phoebe running toward me with worried expressions. I tried to look at my shoulder but could not do it. "Who was that man?" Phoebe asked dad, and he inspected my wound.

"What man?" I did not know what had happened. People were crowding near me, and I started to panic.

"He was covering his face with a mask and was wearing a beanie. I could not see him properly," dad said and then looked into my eyes. "Bambi, don't panic, but there is a knife pierced in your shoulder. Phoebe, call 911."

"A what now? How did it get there? Why am I so unlucky?" I asked as tears started pouring down my face. "Get it out, now! It hurts!"

"Bambi, you know better than to remove it. We need to wait for help."

I nodded. "Fine, just help me sit on a bench; the snow is too cold." Phoebe held my right hand after she hung up the phone and led me to a nearby bench.

"Did anyone get a closer look at the man who stabbed my daughter?" dad asked loudly, and everyone shook their heads. One lady gave me a bottle of water.

"Oh my God, Jolene?" someone called, and my head snapped toward him because his voice was becoming too familiar for me not to recognize.


Was his appearance whenever I was in danger a coincidence? Something felt off.


Chapter 7 is out now on inkitt

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