Chapter 19

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"You are a mystery, Jolene Hansley, but I will solve you one day." I heard Dario say, thinking he was quiet enough for me to miss his comment, and then I heard the door close. If he had dug deeper into my life, he would know what I had been through in the last few months, and I did not want to disclose this information.

He must not know about Atlas and his heroic actions that led me almost to die a few times.

I took off my clothes and looked at my scar in the mirror. "Scarred, damaged goods, and deformed, but that's completely fine. It proves you fought for your life and survived, Joe. No one can stop you from achieving your goals. Not even Atlas or Dario. You are a badass, a boss lady, and an intelligent human being."

Talking to myself about my flaws and ambitions helps preserve a healthy mindset, especially here, next to the mafia don, who was most likely wanted dead by others.

I did not remember what happened after I fell asleep, but when I felt Dario hugging the life out of me in his sleep, I felt disoriented and scared. Something in me changed, and I did not know what. It was uncomfortable, despite sleeping so comfortably last night in his arms. When he demanded to know who hurt me, I could not tell him. I did not want to drag him into my own problems.

After washing up and wearing my clothes, I went to the kitchen to bake my favorite cookies. I thought Dario was in there until I saw a note on the fridge. It said: I am downstairs. Don't come, or I will kill you.

I rolled my eyes at his empty threat and decided to make the cookies while face-timing dad and Phoebe. I waited a couple of seconds until both accepted my call.

I smiled as I felt my mood immediately improve. "Good morning, my favorite people!"

"It's three in the afternoon here, but good morning to you too, Joe," Phoebe replied, and dad smiled.

"How's my Bambi doing?" he asked, and I showed him what I was baking. "I miss those cookies! Should I come and visit you?"

"To visit me or visit the cookies?" They laughed.

"Anyway, how are you? Is Dario treating you well?" Phoebe asked, and I instantly remembered last night's terrifying events.

We almost died.

"Yes, I am fine," I lied with a smile. "And he's bearable... so far. I don't know how long it would last since I piss him off a lot."

Dad shrugged. "That's his problem; he requested your presence and not mine, so he has to deal with the consequences. Give him hell for all I care." Dad's wicked grin made me pity Dario a bit. Only a bit.

"He pisses me off too. Our feelings are mutual, so it's all good. I want this project to be done so I can return home and manage everything remotely. Everything is different here; the people, the language, the food, even the air." I sighed at my predicament.

"Did you make any progress with the business contract?" Phoebe asked as she wrote on her documents. They were in their offices, working hard to do my supposed work, and I was here making sweets and complaining about life.

I nodded as I put the cookies in the oven. "Yes, we finalized the contract yesterday, and I am hoping we could start the actual business preparations next week, but I don't control time here; Dario does since it's his realm," I answered and sat on the chair. "Did you learn anything new about the bastard?"

Dad sighed at my question and stopped typing. "Nothing! It's like he never existed! I checked everywhere, and my conclusion is that he is out of the country. I am getting worried, Bambi," dad said as he ran his hand through his slightly graying hair.

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