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Once we got rid of our kits, we went back to digging.

And our own personal backhoe did wonders. Except that, after four hours, he had only moved another 9 cubic meters, when, by the rule of three, we could have expected 12 cubic meters for 4 hours.

Well, you will have to forgive him, we hit the rock, actually. And, despite his physical prowess, he is no machine. He was getting tired, and the idea of having to take out the jackhammer, after 4 hours of plowing into the ground, seemed to finish him off. We took pity on him and, in the fast twilight of this part of the world, we helped him prepare the machine so he would just have to press the button on the next morning.

Although I was in good shape, after a year under the command of the Blood Lily, I felt like I was going to wake up sore. A glance around me showed that I probably wasn't the only one. We were all dragging our feet a little bit...

I was feeling quite stunned, like I was in batting wool, when I slipped in the shower. Out of habit, we had undressed under the arcades, leaving our earth-stained clothes in a heap, knowing that Lin or Fatso would take them to the laundry. We lined up our boots along the wall and went inside, buck naked as always, Behemoth in hand. After the heat of the day, the dirt sticking to our skin, the sweat, it felt so good to be bare-assed.

And it was even better to feel the hot water running over the skin, taking with it the earth, the sweat, and the few muscle contractures that we got digging. With the heat, it was tempting to shower in cold water, but it was the best way to harden our muscles. And a hot shower is fucking paradise here. What was missing was a tiled tub, to soak and relax.

I took a lot of pleasure getting clean, scrubbing, smelling shower gel instead of sweat or dirt. The only problem was reaching my back... I had been squirming for a while when a voice asked me if I needed help. Completely focused on the task of making myself clean, I said yes and I almost melted, relaxed, because not only were there hands rubbing my back and washing me, but I also got a full back massage from shoulders to waist...

- Whoa, Archer, stay with me.

I jumped, turned halfway, trying to escape such talented hands.

- Kris?

- Yes. What are you afraid of, Archer? I know how to behave.

I calmed down, put a wet hand on my face.

- Sorry, Kris, with the fatigue and the pleasure of the shower, I... I really enjoyed your massage...

- I can see that, indeed.

I blushed while Kris laughed silently.

- You're all in the same state, Archer.

- Erk too? And how come you're not coddling him as you're wont to?

I thought he was going to be offended, but he just got a tender smile and stepped aside, letting me see, behind him, Erk standing in the shower, completely motionless. His forehead leaning against the tiled wall, his arms relaxed, he let the water run down his shoulders, his hair loose, flowing on each side of his face, dripping on the tile. Eyes closed, he seemed asleep.

- He's not going to fall on his face?

- He's half asleep, and he's locked his knees in, like horses.

- He's gonna complain if you compare him to a horse!

- Well...

And Kris gestured to his brother's crotch, with a smirk.

- Yes, alright, that's... valid. But right now, he looks more like an ox after a hard day's work.

Blood Lily Company - Afghanistan - Year 2Where stories live. Discover now