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After the return of our two lost sheep, we kept our patrols close to home. We went to the villages, we walked a little longer, but we didn't get near the borders, we left that to Curly and Mac, with their motorized patrols.

And the first village we crossed was ours, V1, on January 2nd.

If you could have seen the kids running to meet the open-armed Viking, calling to him in their high-pitched sweet voices. If you could have seen the smile of pure joy on his face, the way he knelt down as soon as the kids arrived near him and the way he took them in his arms, the children's cries of joy, the giant's happy laughter... I had tears in my eyes. Three weeks of anguish erased by a laugh, a smile...

When the children dragged Erk behind them towards the village, he exchanged a look with Kris and followed them.

Kris and us continued at our own pace. This time, Kris only carried the giant's EMA 7, the latter having kept his Behemoth with his magazine in, but having stashed it under his vest with the safety on. Even here, no way we would be caught disarmed after what had happened.

We all were convinced that Higgins would not let drop the matter... I was going to write Erk's balls, but... He doesn't deserve to be made fun of like that. What happened was damn serious. Tito almost got killed and he and Erk would have definitely been killed if her men had succeeded.

And I don't dare imagine what would have happened if they had fallen... if their capture had succeeded, if the Viking had not become berserk, if... I know very well that we must not dwell on what didn't happen, but I can't help it. During that week off, every time I had time to think, I thought about the consequences of Higgins' plan succeeding, and I broke out in a cold sweat.

In those moments, I would go see Tito or Erk to make sure they were alive and well. The number of times I stood watching them sleep... They often slept in a pile together, as they had during their adventure, as they told us.

I shook myself when Kris glanced at me.

- Sorry. I was still lost in "what ifs..."

- It happens to me frequently, you know. Especially in the morning when I watch him sleep.

- I imagine you must be really freaked out.

- Yes, then I see him so calm, so relaxed, serene, and I tell myself that everything is fine. I'm happy with what I have. After all, that's what I've been doing for 25 years.

- I will try to do like you, even if I don't have the same experience. Okay, shall we talk to the malik? I said to change the subject.

Kris was not fooled, he smiled, a little smirk, then we went to see the malik. We chatted with him, we told him about Jakobs Lions and the name made him laugh.

- Why are you laughing, malik?

- They are kittens. Jakobs is old.

- Jakobs is probably dead by now. The one who killed him and who replaced him is crazy. And unfortunately for us, she is a veteran of the Company.

- Oh?

- Yes...

And Kris tells him about Higgins' madness, and the story that the unsmoked ham told us.

- That's a game-changer. Very good, we will let you know if we see them.

- And you will be careful not to worry them.

- We won't be threatening, no. Nothing that pushes them to harm us.

- That's it, thank you malik.

We left the malik's house to find the others, and a big child playing tag.

Blood Lily Company - Afghanistan - Year 2Where stories live. Discover now