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Well, as you can imagine, the – very – relative peace was shattered.

We'd gone for a walk – understand, patrol – towards the south, we were skirting Durrani's territory but from afar. Elise had told us that, with her accident, she had missed her mission to serve as a pilot for the R&R to drop them off near a village in Durrani's territory. It might have been the village Katja showed us on the map, past Fort Alamo.

Now you see me coming with my big boots and you would be right.

Quenotte, our radio, received a message that he switched to the brothers. Icelander flew about, high speed, there were gestures from Erk, faces from Kris then silence. And weighty looks swapped between the brothers.

- Come on, guys, tell us what way we're gonna be cooked.

One more look, then Kris looked down. That's new. It's usually Erk that does that. When he saw that, he sighed.

- Actually, Lin left us free to choose.

- Because it's dangerous? I asked.

- It's always dangerous, Archer. But, yes, it is even more dangerous. Lin called us because she wanted us to go home but... we have a debt.

- Stop, Erik. In the right order, big boy.

Erk took a big breath, shook himself like the mastiff Baby Jane had compared him to – and it was weird, I swear, given the context – then looked at all of us one by one, straight in the eye and we all received that amazing blue laser stare.

- Near what Archer calls our mini Fort Alamo, there is a village that the R&R have taken over. It's a long way from their base, but... they couldn't move the mountain this time. The village was occupied by Durrani's men, and by the villagers. But don't think R&R did this out of altruism.

- Yeah, said Kitty, they don't have an Erk to keep them on the straight and narrow.

And the Viking blushed. And another one that makes him blush without participating in our silly contest. Kris laughed softly.

- Yes, he took over when Erk had trouble doing it. There are some rocks in that area they have an interest in. Anyways. They invaded the village, killed villains, and scared the villagers. There were... scuffles afterwards. And then, a few moments ago, they called for help, because they were surrounded, blocked in the village by Durrani's men. What is surprising is that it wasn't Katja, but Vlad who called us.

- Lin asked us to come back home, continued the giant. We wanted to know why, she was reluctant then told us why. And, I don't know about you, but I owe them a debt, especially after Fort Alamo.

There was another exchange of glances.

- Kris, much more pragmatic than me, less idealistic, too, is much more reticent. So Lin left it up to us, the whole patrol, to make a decision on our own.

- But, Erk, even if we all decide to go there, it's far, on foot, still, Quenotte noticed.

- Lin took pity on us, if we decide to go back and get shot over there, we won't wear out our soles. Curly isn't far away, he'll pick us up and we'll squish into the pick-up.

- Good. We would like to talk between us, boys, is it possible? asked the redhead.

- What for?

- Because Erk is already convinced and you are hesitating because you don't want to risk your brother's skin. So, we would like to see between us, without Erk's puppy's eyes or your frowns...

- I do not...

- Just an expression, Kris.

- Well, OK, said the little brother, frowning.

Blood Lily Company - Afghanistan - Year 2Where stories live. Discover now