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When everything was ready, and it was time to wake the sleepers, Lin sent someone to get a helmet and a bulletproof vest. Oh fuck...

- Kris, she said while I checked her plate carrier, get ready to lift his arm.

- And not Tito?

- Oddly, I don't think he is as alert as Erik.

- What makes you say that, Lin?

- The tension in your brother's shoulders is absent from Tito's. And, let me tell you, if he was injured like Erik said he was, and knowing him, he did his best to protect him, because of his injuries Tito had to count on him to protect him. And then there's this adorable way they sleep.

- I see. What are you going to use to wake him up?

- This.

And she showed an oven mitt, the one Cook used to take dishes out of the oven. I looked at her for a moment.

- What, Archer? Don't you like my humor?

- Yes, yes, that gives all its flavor to the expression "throw the gauntlet".

- Thank you, she replied with a bit of irony. Fine. Ready?

We found shelter, lying on the ground or to the side, away from Lin, and nodded. Kris, kneeling on the bench next to the Viking, did the same. And Lin threw the oven mitt at the giant, hitting him in the leg with it and making it bounce towards Kris.

The Viking's hand unholstered Tito's Behemoth from its new holster and aimed it at Lin unerringly, while his eyes were still closed. Chilling!

Kris grabbed Erk's wrist and forced his hand upwards while whispering in Icelandic and Erk gave in, opening his eyes.

- Kris?

His voice was hoarse with fatigue.

- Yes, it's me, big guy. It's time for dinner, and Cook has outdone himself, to celebrate your return and our anniversary.

- And Christmas.

- Of course, big guy. Especially Christmas, after all.

Erk smiled at him and put Tito on the ground. They went to sit at a table, side by side, almost unconsciously, each leaving, on the left for Tito, on the right for Erk, the place for their love. Quickly filled, of course, by Bear and Kris. As I passed behind the latter, I heard him whisper to his brother: "We're going to have a serious talk, big guy" and the giant nodded. I wanted to be a little mouse to hide under the Viking's bed and hear this conversation. But I had to remain discreet, because none of this concerned me. Although I must admit that hearing Erk and Kris negotiate certain aspects of their future relationship could be amusing. But no, no laughing at the expense of my comrades. And certainly not of my commanding officers.

I sat next to Kris, Baby Jane across from Erk, Kitty from Kris, Quenotte and JD across from Tito and Bear and I had my dear captain across from me. This time, we decided that we would sit at a long table, in a U shape, and that some of us would serve. I volunteered, with Dio, Rocky, that idiot Bic, and others. The cooks had prepared everything and were ordered to remain seated. They were seated to Lin's left and I had Mustard next to me.

Before we started, champagne was served, real champagne, and Lin stood up, facing the large table, her glass in hand.

- I don't have much to say, except that I thank heaven and all its residents for the return of our two lost sheep, Tito and Erik, returned safely, filthy, hungry, exhausted but very much alive.

My comrades laughed, Tito and Erk too. Lin raised her free hand, getting immediate silence.

- The year that has just passed, despite the scares, the attacks, the deaths, was, I think, a rather calm year.

Blood Lily Company - Afghanistan - Year 2Where stories live. Discover now