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Here we are again, stuck at base, but this time it was not because of us, in a way. It was because of Erk's Gift, but not because one of us (follow my gaze to the biggest member of the patrol) got hurt again. He had screwed up, but for the best in the end.

We stayed at base until little Elise was stabilized.

When she regained consciousness, she asked for Erk. Right away.

I let my ears trail near the infirmary and heard a small thank you and the request to notify BH, Bunker Helsinki, the R&R base. Erk replied in his soft baritone that it had been done as soon as conditions allowed.

- Katja is going to blame me for the plane.

He chuckled.

- Funny, she said you shouldn't worry about it. That, despite the price of the plane, the most important thing was you. On the other hand, she will want a debrief when you can.

- Would you mind taking my debriefing orally and passing it on to her?

- No, Elise, you have to rest. The debrief is not urgent, and Doc and Alex, and I, your "doctors", have decided that you mostly need rest.

- But...

- Elise, don't make me shoot you full of morphine. Rest. Organize your thoughts in your moments of lucidity, but above all, rest and begin to heal. I will come and lend a hand between two patrols.

- Erk, how long are you going to keep me?

- As long as you need it, honey. Sleep now.

- All right. Thanks Erik.

- You're welcome.

He left, a little worried. And he saw me.

- Do you know what English speakers say? he asked. Curiosity killed the cat.

- Meow... But I have nine lives, so.

- Eight. There's the one you left in your helmet...

- Right. Okay, Viking, how's the missy?

He looked at me and I felt a bit silly.

- That's the nickname I gave her in my head the first time I saw her...

- Hmm. It's not going well. She is very weak. And she feels guilt over the loss of the Valkyrie. I know that Katja doesn't hold it against her and is thinking either poor workmanship or sabotage.

- Sabotage? But... from whom?

- That's for the R&R to worry about. We have enough to do with Durrani and the Dotard. They are our mission. Not the R&Rs. And while it worries me to know that they're being sabotaged, I can't worry about their fate without putting the Company in jeopardy.

- You're right. Where are we with Durrani?

- I didn't really have time to worry about it. We can ask Lin, if she wants to.

- Wait, you're a Company officer and...

- And I've been pretty busy lately.

- Sorry, Erk.

- Don't worry, Archer, no laundry chore this time, unless you want to keep busy.

- It will depend on the days we spend here.

- And that will depend on what Doc decides. Whether she needs me or not.

- Erk?

- Yes?

- Doesn't it bother you to be moved around like that, everywhere you're needed? Well, your Gift, not you.

- No, Archer. If I have this Gift, it's for a good reason.

Blood Lily Company - Afghanistan - Year 2Where stories live. Discover now