Chapter 2.3 - The Puppet Master

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A chance to join the student council, huh?

Yesterday, Manabu invited me to join the student council as Second Vice-President.

Music to my ears.

Since it was the position of Second Vice-President, I didn't have to go through the election process. All I had to do was get Nagumo's approval, since Manabu basically already accepted me.

This also meant that if Nagumo were to ever step down, or get expelled after I become Second Vice-President, I would automatically get promoted to Vice-President.

I was now resting in my room, thinking of an efficient plan to put into action, when suddenly I got a message from Hirata.

[Can we meet? There's something I want to talk to you about]

[Sure, where?]

[How does the café at the entrance of the Keyaki Mall sound? How about 3PM?]

[Sounds good, see you then]

I wonder what he wants to talk about, nothing significant has happened yet.

It better not be a love confession.

On a serious note, I think I've come up with a plan to deal with Nagumo, and deal with some other problems. Kill two birds with one stone, as they say.

As I was approaching the Keyaki Mall, I bumped into Nagumo. At first, it seemed like an accident, but I crossed his path on purpose after noticing he was stalking me.

"Hey, you, Ayanokouji."

This is perfect.


"So Manabu wants you to become Second Vice-President, eh? Seems like he couldn't resist himself after hearing the news about you spread."

It is true that contact with the outside world is prohibited, but the first-years probably spread rumors about me all around the school, so now, all students from all years know about me.

"Look, Ayanokouji, I don't know what the hell Manabu sees in you, but I'll beat you to a pulp. How about we fight right here, right now?!!"

"No thanks. I'm good."

"Running away, huh? Seems like you're not so impressive after all."

"I'll fight you on one condition."


"Accept me as Second Vice-President."

"Haha! If that's all it takes, sure thing. I can't wait to beat the shit out of your genius ass!"

"I'll message you the time and place later, give me your phone number."

"Oh ho, you're getting me all fired up, you bastard!"

With that, we exchanged contact information.

"The truth is, Nagumo, I already prepared a contract. I've always wanted to fight you, ever since I heard your name."

That was a lie. He didn't interest me in the least.

I took out the contract and a pen from out of my pocket. In truth, I had this contract and pen in my pocket in case he ever decided to approach me one day. Seems like today was that day.

These were the conditions of the contract:

A refers to Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.
B refers to Nagumo Miyabi.

A will face B in a 1 v 1 fight after B accepts A as the Second Vice-President of the Student Council.

After B accepts A as the Second Vice-President of the Student Council, in the case where A and B don't fight, only A will be expelled.

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