Epilogue - Warmth

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"Arisu, isn't this a little over the top?"


I was walking with Arisu, and she was clinging onto my arm.

"Why didn't you bring your cane?"

"Why do I need my cane when I have you?"


"Say, Kiyotaka, have you finally decided to change?"

"What makes you think that?"

"Your eyes are slightly brighter than usual."

"Is that so?"

"But your voice is as monotonous as always, and you're still horrible at conversations, fufufu."

"I suppose I'll still need to work on it a little bit then."

"So, where are we heading?"

"We have class today, Arisu."

"Fufufu... you're boring. I wouldn't mind not going to class if it means I can spend more time alone with you."

"Why don't we go on a date this afternoon, then?"

"I'd be glad to do so."

"Then, let's first head to class."

As we walked to school, a lot of people looked at us, some even took pictures, much to my surprise.

Arisu didn't seem to mind though, and, to be honest, I didn't either.


"Ready to go, Kiyotaka?"

Class had ended and Arisu and I were about to go on our date.

"Sure, where are we going?"

"Why don't we head to the mall first?"

"Are you sure you don't need your cane?"

"How many times do I need to say this, Kiyotaka? No, I don't need my cane."

A few of my new classmates laughed as she grabbed onto my arm.

We left the classroom and head to the mall. Not many students were heading there since it was a weekday.

"What should we do?" I asked as we arrived at the mall.

"How about we go clothes shopping? I think you need to some better-looking clothes, Kiyotaka."

"Is that an insult to my clothing style?"

"Who knows, fufufu."

We shopped around the ground floor where most clothing stores were.

"Kiyotaka, you should try out this t-shirt, I think it suits you."

I looked at the t-shirt she had suggested.

Are you kidding me?

It was a white t-shirt on which was written "I have the perfect girlfriend".

"Are you serious?" I asked her.

"Dead serious."

I suppose I can at least try it out.

"I'll at least try it out, but I'm not buying it," I said.

"Doesn't matter if you're buying it or not, I'm buying it," she replied.


I grabbed a S size t-shirt and head into one of the changing rooms.

When I got out after I finished changing, I saw Arisu holding her phone in her hands as I heard her camera shutter.

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