Chapter 5.4 - Let There Be Chaos

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"When should we go ahead with the plan? Time is ticking," Horikita said.

"I think we should let our classmates know first," Kushida insisted.

"How about we go ahead with the plan tonight at 11 PM? That way we have enough time to tell our classmates," Hirata suggested.

"That sounds good, let's go with that!" Ichinose agreed.

"Fine by me fufufu," Arisu still couldn't help but laugh.

The unofficial meeting had concluded. We had decided to use Horikita's plan. Hirata organized a class meeting at 10:00 PM, when he planned let our classmates know about the plan.

Little did they know the traitor was in their class.

Immediately after we parted ways, I saw Kushida take out her phone, seemingly sending a message to someone.

After, I met up with Arisu in a cafe to briefly discuss the exam.

"Kiyotaka, are you okay with this?"

"Yes, why?"

"If my assumptions are correct, there's a traitor in your class. It's likely that the traitor let Ryuuen know of our so-called plan. He will act before we do and come out as the winner."

"I know. The traitor must've thought they could get away with this. It seems like they didn't think things through until the end. I won't be intervening though. I don't mind the loss in class points. I have another goal in mind."

"I see. Well, I'm letting you know that I don't intend on losing any class points in this exam."

"Class C coming out as the winner is part of my plan. As long as that happens, you can do as you see fit, Arisu."

"Fufufu... good to know. Luckily for you, I find this exam quite boring, so I'll play along with you for now. I suppose you don't need me to do anything?"

"Not anything in particular. Are you going to take actions now?"

"I plan on attacking Class C as soon as Ryuuen attacks all of us."

"I see, so you'll see no changes in your total class points. I suppose the fact that Class D had already guessed one of Class A's VIPs worked in your favor."

"I guess I was somewhat lucky fufufu... Also, why do you think Ryuuen waited before attacking us all?"

"Knowing him, he probably just wanted to have a little fun. He's confident because the traitor that works for him is in our group. Knowing that the traitor will tell him the time of our attack, he left the meeting as soon as it ended. I think he wanted to see what we would come up with."

"That's what I was thinking too. Ryuuen sees everything as a game. Are you sure you don't want to fight back?"

"I'm not going to do anything. This is all going exactly according to plan."

"Then I suppose I won't intervene in your business."

"Is that all you wanted to talk about, Arisu?"

"Yes, pretty much. I can't wait to see the reactions of your classmates, fufufu."

With that, we parted ways.


"I see, that's a good plan."

"Yeah, I support Horikita's idea."

It was time for the class meeting. Hirata reserved the meeting room on the second floor of the cruise ship. Everyone was present, except for Kouenji.

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