SS. 7 - A New Beginning

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On Tuesday night, I decided to text Horikita.


[Are you sick?]

[Yes, I don't know what happened, but I've had really painful stomach aches so I wasn't able to come to school this week]
[How were the midterms results?](Horikita)

[We all did pretty well, you got 100 in all five subjects]

[That's good to hear]

[Ike and Yamauchi's English scores were one below the passing grade]



[They got expelled?]


[Tell me exactly what happened. Right now.]

[So basically Ike and Yamauchi both got failing grades in English]
[So I just bought points for both of them]

[Wait? Buy test points?]

[Yes, remember when the teacher said we could buy anything at this school?]
[Well, literally anything can be bought]
[So I bought them the necessary points
[Each points costs 100,000 points]

[So you used up 200,000 points?]

[The other students didn't have enough points]

[Well... thanks for saving them I guess]

[No problem]

[If only I was there]
[Then you wouldn't have to spend so much]

[But I still have a lot of points though]

[How did the class react?]

[They thanked me for saving them]
[They decided to all start working together as a class]
[In hopes of climbing the ranks]

[I suppose that's good then]
[I guess I really missed a lot of things]
[I think I'll come to school tomorrow]

[I don't have anything else to tell you]
[See you tomorrow]

[See you tomorrow]


"Horikita! You're back!" Kushida rushed over to Horikita when she entered the classroom.

"Welcome back, Horikita," Hirata said, "Did you hear about what happened?"

"Yes, Ayanokouji explained everything to me. I'm sorry I couldn't be here."

"Don't worry Horikita, it's not your fault," Hirata said.

"Yeah! It already happened, don't feel so sorry," Karuizawa supported her.

"I'll try my best to not get sick anymore," Horikita promised the class, "I'll do anything I can to help out the class whenever help is needed."

"Thanks Horikita," Hirata smiled.

With that, morning classes flew by, until it was time for lunch.

"Um... Ayanokouji."

I turned my head to see Ike and Yamauchi facing me. That was not something I was used to seeing every day.

"What is it?"

"Look, we don't like how you treated us, and we won't forgive you but we realize that we're in no place to talk. We promise that from now on, we won't make the same mistakes we did back then. You won't ever have to help us like that ever again! You're looking at a brand new Ike and Yamauchi!"

"Good for you guys. I look forward to how you'll behave from now on."

"Thanks, Ayanokouji. Well, that's all we wanted to say. See you!"

It'll be interesting to see how Class D works together in these upcoming months.

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