SS. 18 - The Calm Before The Storm

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After the graduation ceremony and the closing ceremony went off without a hitch, the spring break finally started.

The students forgot about the competition between each other and enjoyed a short break.

Although the students who hadn't graduated weren't allowed to leave the campus, it wasn't particularly inconvenient for them.

The main reason for that was the existence of the Keyaki shopping mall. For both the students and the staff, the mall was indispensable.

Going into detail wouldn't be necessary, but there were coffee shops, home appliances stores, and even a karaoke place. All the necessities were available.

If there were other things that you might want, all you had to do was to order it online after gaining permission.

You could live a life of indulgence, as long as the amount of private points you had allowed it.

I haven't done anything in particular during these past few days. The first few days of spring break went by quickly as I was simply resting in my room, thinking about my future actions.


Today was the 31st of March. This was a special day that had finally arrived.

It was the day when Manabu embarked on his next journey.

We had agreed to meet at noon. I was early, as usual, and reached the main entrance of the school.

He hadn't told anyone else that he was leaving then. There was no one around, except for me.

My eyes were drawn towards the figures of the students who were headed to Keyaki Mall as I quietly waited for his arrival.

A year ago, I came to this school through this very entrance.

Although you might hang out near here occasionally, this was not a place people went to often.

If it was a club activity or a special exam, you could take the bus that passes through here. Still, if you wanted to walk out of the entrance, it had to be because you graduated, or you were expelled.

Just 20 minutes before the agreed time, Manabu finally arrived.

"Will your sister come to see you off?" I asked him

"Yes, she came to me and said that she wanted to bid me farewell. I told her to come at 12:30 so that I can first exchange a few last words with you."

The time now was 11:40 AM.

"I see. When the time comes, I'll leave the two of you so that you can have some time alone."

"That's very much appreciated, Ayanokouji. Thank you."

"That's alright, there's no need to thank me."

Manabu seemed like he started to acknowledge his sister, despite Class D's failures.

"After I leave, you'll be leading the school on your own, Ayanokouji. As student council president, I expect you to do great things."

"That's some pressure," I said.

"I know you have the abilities to achieve such things, Ayanokouji. It's only a matter of if you want to do so."

"I suppose you're right."

"Whatever you do, though. Make sure to do what you think is right. I'm already proud of making you the student council president. Make sure to not make the same mistake I did and choose a good Vice-President for next year," he joked.

"I will."

We chatted for the next 45 minutes until it was almost time for Horikita to arrive.

"Seems like our time is almost up," he said.

"Yeah. Thank you for everything, Manabu."

"There's no need, Ayanokouji. You are the most exceptional student here by a longshot. Don't be so humble."

"I guess. Good luck for the future, Manabu. I'll be going now."

"Thank you, Ayanokouji. I'm sure you'll overcome whatever the future throws at you."

I nodded, bowed and left. These were Manabu's last moments at this prestigious high school. His sister Horikita will arrive any moment now. I'm sure both of them are glad they could share one last moment together.


It was the middle of spring break.

Despite the fact that ninety-nine percent of Class D students hate me, I still went out a few times. I met up with Arisu a couple of times, met Hiyory in the library, and even met up with Asahina to discuss a few things regarding the student council.

Kushida also came to my room once. Apparently, she had started ranting her problems to Horikita. They had rapidly become what you would call friends. In the end, she told me that she would come to my room less frequently than before.

Right now, there was one thing on my mind. The first special exam of the second year.

Which is why, at this moment, I was in the student council room.

As President, I could propose a special exam to the school, and, if they accept the proposal, they will make it happen.

I was looking at the files of the past special exams used by the school on the computer to see for myself what kind of special exams they accept. To my surprise, they were a variety of them, many of them completely different in all aspects.

I planned on letting the school decide the special exams for the first and third years, as there was no need for me to intervene.

As I scrolled through the files, one of them caught my attention.

The Unanimous Vote Special Exam.

A simple test that was used a decade ago. In this exam, the entire class would vote on a multiple choice question again and again until they reach a consensus. The test will be completed within the class itself, and there is no need to compete with any of their rival classes.

There were five questions in total, with each having at most four choices. Every class votes on these five motions where they must reach a consensus within the class for each motion. Every motion that achieves unanimous consent would be implemented by the school.

In the event when a consensus isn't reached for a particular motion, the class would get a 10-minute interval to discuss within themselves, after which, they will vote again. During that 10 minutes, students are free to discuss and talk among each other.

The classes that achieved unanimous consent in all the motions within the allocated time of 5 hours will be given 50 class points.

If the students aren't able to come to a consensus for all five motions within 5 hours, they will lose 300 class points.

It was ridiculously straightforward.

I decided to base my proposal on that exam.

I made some massive modifications to the rules and the structure of the exam.

Before I knew it, I had finished writing my proposal.

I looked at the paper, satisfied with the special exam I had come up with.

The Majority Vote Special Exam.


Author's Notes


A teaser at what's to come in Chapter 10...

One more SS will be published before Chapter 10! Don't miss it since it'll be an important SS!!!

That's all, take care!

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