Chapter 4.4 - The Stage Is Set

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I specifically told my classmates to make Ibuki believe I was the leader. However, that obviously wouldn't be enough. Thanks to Hashimoto, I knew that Class A and Class C made a deal. Katsuragi is a careful man, he wouldn't trust Ryuuen's words unless he could show proof.

Karuizawa took me to the place where they found Ibuki.

"Here it is, this is the place we found here."

"Thanks, Karuizawa," I said as I started digging.

"W-what are you doing?"

"Looking for something, there it is."

A camera, that makes sense. Ryuuen planned on making Ibuki take a photo with her camera to show Katsuragi the proof.

"A camera? Why?"

"I told you Ibuki was a spy. She planned on taking a photo of our key card with this camera."

"No way..."

"Did you bring a water bottle like I asked you to?"

"Yeah, here."

I poured water into the camera.

"Good, it's broken now. She won't be able to use it to take photos."

"Nice one, Ayanokouji! It's great seeing you help out the class!"

"It's the least I can do."

I put the camera back exactly as I was before and went back to camp with Karuizawa.

"You're actually, like, really cool, Ayanokouji. You know, I was really scared of you at first, but you're actually, like, super nice."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah! I mean, everyone in the class thought the same. But luckily they all had the wrong image of you."

"I suppose so. Say, Karuizawa, you and Hirata aren't really dating right? What I mean is, you're pretending to date him to protect yourself."

Karuizawa stopped in her tracks.

"H-how did you know?"

"It's been a while since you guys apparently started 'dating', but you still call each other by your last names. So I figured it was all an act."

"Well, I guess there's no point in lying anymore. Yes, we are not actually dating."

"I thought so. Are you that insecure, Karuizawa? What happened to you in the past?"


"Let me guess. Were you bullied perhaps?"

Karuizawa turned pale. She started putting her hands on the side of her body.

I grabbed hold of her and lift her shirt a bit.

"Stop! W-what are you doing?"

"So that's your dark secret, huh?"

There was a big scar across the side of her body. This could've been a result of her being bullied in the past, but it's uncertain. I let go of her as she seemed completely hopeless.

"Listen, Karuizawa, this is only a temporary solution, and it's not an efficient one."

"W-what are you trying to say?"

"What I'm saying is. To get over your past, you can't keep trying to hide it. You have to simply face it head on. You can't hide behind Hirata's back forever. Why were you bullied, Karuizawa?"

"I was... insecure... sensible, and weak. My bullies that I was an easy target... and... soon after, they were after my body and sexually assaulted me..."

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