Chapter 2.4 - The Magician Reveals his Secrets

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Author's Notes

I know some of you criticized the last part, saying that it didn't really make much sense, that LN Nagumo isn't that stupid, or what not. And some of you will probably criticize this part as well, disagreeing with the reactions of Ichinose and Manabu after the incident.

While I understand your concerns, I would like to remind you all that this is a fan fiction and that some characters may or may not be out of character.

I didn't really think Nagumo would fit into my plot. This was nothing more than a way of me to get rid of him, he was never going to be an important antagonist in this story in the first place. This was a case of plot convenience, nothing more, nothing less.

That being said, don't give yourself high expectations for the plot. Even I don't know how it'll turn out.

That's all I have to say. I hope you understand this decision. Those that don't like what/how I'm writing are free to abandon this fan fic. Don't worry, I won't hold it against you.


"You lost the moment you decided to challenge me."

"What a- what are you talking about?"

"Since your expulsion is already set in stone, I might as well let you in on the truth."

Everyone was silent, including the President. I began telling them my secrets.

"Nagumo, did you really think I didn't notice you stalking me? I knew you were stalking me ever since you started doing so, four days ago. Not long after that, the President called me to the Student Council Room, offering me the position of Second Vice-President. He told me you left the room before I even arrived, which made me realize that you had a grudge against me. That was when I decided to make a contract that I kept in my pocket. I assumed you wanted to face off against me, and I was right. Since I needed your approval to become Second Vice-President, I decided to accidentally bump into you when you were stalking me on my way to the mall.

We then made a deal, or at least what you thought was a deal. All you had to do was give the President your approval of me, and we would fight. If we were to not fight, then I'd be expelled. That's what was written on the contract, and you signed it without even double checking. The truth is, I cut out this fake contract, and attached it perfectly on top of the real one. The one you signed that day, was actually the real one that was hidden under the fake contract. Since you were so fired up, you didn't even bother checking twice, which was your first mistake. Therefore, you had signed the real contract, which stated that if you were to be expelled, I'd be the one to receive all of the your private points. Of course, that was only a hypothetical scenario, but I made sure to make it happen.

After you agreed to accept me, I sent President Manabu a message, saying I accepted the position of Second Vice-President. I then asked him to come right here, at 8:00 PM, same for Ichinose, and as for you, 7:45 PM. You were lured into my trap, Nagumo, and Ichinose was the bait. Ichinose told me that you offered to accept her application, as long as she accepted to be your girlfriend, so I knew she could come in handy in my plan to expel you. I had you arrive earlier than her, so that you could build up your frustration while waiting for me, and, upon seeing her, you let out your frustration on her, sexually harassing her, even attempting to rape her. This happened for a couple minutes while I was hiding in the bushes, filming you, until President Horikita arrived. Now, he already warned me that he would be a couple minutes late, and I factored that into my plan.

You were then cornered. You tried to make your way out, by saying there was no proof, but in truth, the proof was already here, right in my hands. I finally decided to make my appearance. With this proof, your expulsion was inevitable, you could go home and pack your things. In your last moment of desperation, you remembered the contract we signed. You thought that I would get expelled with you. Guess what, you're the only one that will be expelled, and thanks to the real contract you signed, you'll be handing me all of your private points. Not only that, I'll be taking your spot as the Student Council Vice-President, as I already became the Second Vice-President before all of this happened. The school confirmed my position before this happened. Therefore, I will become Vice-President without having to run a campaign, effortlessly taking the spot you worked so hard to earn and keep. What's more, next year, I'll take the spot of Student Council President, without even having to lift a single finger.

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