Chapter 6.2 - Delicate Preparations

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Preparations for the Sports Festival had begun.

Class D were discussing the order of participation for the Universal Participation events and who will be chosen for the Recommended Only events.

Two systems of selection were proposed - one where participants will be selected based on what everyone wants, the other based on ability.

Ken immediately agreed with the ability system in order to increase Class D's chances of victory in each competition, and the students who were weak at athletics agreed with him.

Horikita also agreed, she then proposed a supplementary plan where, in addition to letting the students who are more talented at sports participate in the Recommended Only events, they also paired up the stronger athletes with the weaker ones in the Universal Participation events in order to further increase the chances of victory for the stronger athletes.

Although some students disagreed with this tactic as it would mean sacrificing the less athletic students, they decided to go along with Horikita's plan in the end.

Ken reiterated his intention to participate in as many events as possible. Horikita also declared that she would do the same. The class began filling the slots for the events.

"What do we do about Ayanokouji?"

"Yeah, he has to participate, right?"

"That bastard will just end up last place on purpose!"

"Ayanokouji, what do you have to say?" Hirata hesitantly asked me.

"I'll participate. I'll do my best."

"Don't give me that crap!" Ike screamed.

"Quiet, Ike. Also, I have something to say to the class," Horikita said with a serious expression.

Everyone became silent and listened carefully to Horikita.

"The student council president asked us to put Ayanokouji as the anchor leg in the final relay race as a personal request," she hesitantly said.

"What? That's insane."


"He said he wanted to race Ayanokouji. He said it was a request from him, the student council president, to us, Class D. I think we should accept his request," Horikita said.

"Well... if he wants to race, Ayanokouji will probably do his best, right?" Kushida said.

"That's true. I don't have any objections," Hirata agreed, "Let's let Ayanokouji be the anchor leg as the President wishes."

Everyone had mixed opinions, but seeing the three leaders of the class share a common opinion, they agreed.

"I guess it'll be a race between President and Vice-President."

"I totally forgot Ayanokouji was Vice-President."

"Tch. How can someone like him be Vice-President. The school's done for."

"Ayanokouji has no choice but to participate in the Universal Participation events. Whether he does his best or not is out of our control. However, I suggest we don't make him participate in any of the Recommended Only events apart from the final relay race. I also intend to exclude him from our class meetings. I assume you guys don't have any objections."

The class collectively nodded.

"Starting from tomorrow, we will use physical education period to prepare for the Sports Festival. We will decide the participants of the Recommended Only exam after evaluating everyone's ability. That is all for now."

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