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Edith had been colouring contently picture after picture, her mind in bliss. She felt safe and warm.

When an icky filling of her pull-up filling up snapped her right out into reality. Too shocked, Edith let go her crayon and it feel right on the ground startling Margie as Edith didn't make a move to pick it up.

"Honey you alright?" Margie asked.

Edith tried to speak but no words came out, when Margie picked her to comfort her did she feel the wet pull up.

She brought Edith quickly to the bathroom and got her all cleaned up and dry. The blush as always covered her cheeks.

Setting Edith down on the couch with buttercup, "all clean!" Margie exclaimed.

But sighed as Edith didn't say anything but thank you. She turned around and snuggled into the pillows.

Margie knew the first time a day time accident would be a lot for Edith. She was loosing control.

"What happened?" Edith asked softly.

"Your went into your little space and were comfortable, safe." Margie brushed her hair. "No need to be embarrassed."

Edith whined smashing her head into the pillow. Trying to hide her blush.

Margie peeled her off the pillow, "come on we need to head to the doctor you have an appointment."

Edith looked at her confused, she un-instinctively held on to Buttercup tighter as Margie set her on the ground. "Didn't I just see a doctor?"

"Yes, but they wanted to check something more."

They made their way up to the fourth floor, unlike the rest it was quiet. It had the paper work office and the infirmary occupying it.

Margie knocked on the door a few times before hearing Dr. Mike calling them in.

"Hello, Margie."

"Hi doctor," Margie said setting Edith down on the exam table.

"Long time no see, this must be the famous Edith."

He booped her nose making her scrunched it. "Hi."

"Hi," he gushed. He proceeded to do a quick check up like the last time for Edith.

He checked her pulsed and sat down on his stool.

"All done, now the reason I called you here was because from the test that came back Edith seems to be a perfect match for the Immortal shot."

Margie's face went into a grin and she squeaked with tiny steps. She picked Edith up and spun her around. "My special girl, your lock in to adopted by royals, only two others Littles apply for the shot."

"I-Immortal?" Edith repeated.

"When your adopted your mommy or daddy can have you forever, you can live with them without a care in the world."

Dr. Mike smiled, "we need to get her to keep gaining weight, so far she is a kilogram up the more strong she is the better. It's only a month until the next adoption."

"I think I'll be good, she is slipping quickly into her little space. She is a very young age 1-2 is my guess."

Margie kept talking about the different royals with the doctor but Edith didn't pay attention. She held on tighter to Buttercup.

But I don't want to live forever, Edith thought looking at the stuffed bunny.

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