Adoption day.

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"Edith wake up! Edith!" Margie cooed.

"Whaaat?" She groaned into her pillows.

"It's adoption weekend! Come on baby wake up," Margie shook her shoulder.

"No, I sleep." She lisped around her pacifier.

Margie lowered the bars of her crib, "Come on sweetheart, we need to get ready."

"Do I have to wear a diaper," Edith groaned.

"You know the answer cupcake," Margie chuckled.

"Than I sleep, nigh nigh" Edith tossed to the side further away from Margie.

"Ah come on baby,  you get to play today with your friends, than in the afternoon you meet the potential mommy's and daddy's."

"I don't like people," Edith whined.

"Well they aren't people they are titans," Margie tried to reasoned.

"You're a evolution of a human, so you are people," she pointed out.

"Now don't get smart with me," Margie tried to lift her out of the crib.

Edith held on to the bars, "no wanna."

"Why honey?" Margie asked hearing the pain in her voice, letting go Edith and sitting beside her.

Edith whined again into the pillow.

"You can tell me it's alright," Margie encouraged.

"Don't want to leave you or Miles or Jess or the pancakes." Edith mumbled into the pillow.

"I see," Margie sighed rubbing her back, "I promise if you get adopted to come visit you and to make sure you see Jess and Miles. I pinky promise."

Edith looked up her doe eyes shinning, she wrapped her finger around Margie's big one.

"But what if they are mean, what if they hurt me."  Edith added.

"Honey, I assure you no one will hurt you plus I will personally will go check on you on the monthly expection we do for the first year."

"For real? You'll come visit." Edith perked up.

"I promise with all my heart," Margie assured with a smile.

Edith put her arms up for her auntie to be picked.

She squished Edith in a very hard hug making her squeak. "Sorry your just so cute and huggable."

She changed her into a clean nappy and a pretty pastel dress, putting a bow in her lose hair to hold it back. Her white hair standing out.

Along with a matching pacifier with Titans symbol.

Edith looked like a small doll, being one of the shortest and smallest littles in the academy. Margie had no doubt she would catch someone's eye not only that but her age range was small in her little space which was rather rare.

Margie was carrying Edith out of her room, when Edith scrambled over her shoulder trying to climb over it.

"Wow, what's wrong!" Margie said panicked by the squirmy little.

"Buttercup," Edith said around her pacifier.

Margie looked at her surprised, "you want to bring Buttercup."

Edith nodded her head, she knew if by any chance no one would adopt her she would at least have Buttercup to cuddle with.

Margie grabbed buttercup and brought both Edith and her stuffy back to the bathroom. She search through the drawers finding a matching bow and tied around Buttercups neck.

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