Lake part 1

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The sun was shining as Edith woke up, instead of shooting up like always she was held back by Cecily's tight grip.

She tried wiggle out of it crawling away when she was suddenly pulled back.

"Go back to sleep cupcake," Cecily groaned snuggling her.

"But my brain is awake and the sun is awake so I'm awake."Edith whined.

"I've been alive for more decades than you can imagine and I'll tell you sleeping in once in a while is alright."

"Grandma," Edith grunted.

"I'm not a grandma!" Cecily argued back her eyes opening.

"Are too."

"Are not!"

"Then your a child," Edith smirked.


"You're arguing like one, I'm not the one yelling."

"You're a tease," Cecily said tickling her stomach making Edith giggle.

"Fine, grandmaaa."

"You little one will address me as Cecily or Mommy, nothing else." Edith blushed shrinking, "so now your quiet."

Edith smirked and smiled, "grandma." She whispered.

Cecily started to tickle her again Edith begging for her to stop, "nah ah, what do you call me?"


Cecily couldn't help but laugh herself as she tickled Edith, she just had contagious laughter, "who am I?" She asked again.

"Ceci!" Edith said giving up, she sighed as Cecily stopped.

"I'll take that, now back to sleep." Cecily kissed the top of her head and locked Edith in her arms on top of her.


"Sleep, cupcake. Trust me."

Edith chuckled laying her head down, the sound Cecily's heart beat lulled her back to sleep.


Snoring softly on her chest Edith was deep in sleep, Cecily patted her bottom.

"Time to wake up cupcake," she told Edith who looked at her groggily.

"Up?" Edith mumbled.

"Yes, up!" Cecily sat them up Edith leaning against her chest yawning. "Was the extra sleep nice?"

"Uh hum," Edith nodded rubbing her eyes.

Cecily sat her on the ground and patted her bottom, "go to the bathroom and will get dressed."

Edith dragged her feet to the bathroom yawing, Cecily couldn't help but smile, at the thought of waking up with Edith every morning.

"Ceci?" Edith mumbled opening the door "what we do today?"

"Today we are going to the lake!" She said grabbing Edith's hand and guiding her to the closet.

"Lake!" Edith face lit up at her words.

Cecily grabbed a pair of brown shorts with flowers embroidered at the pockets and a white t-shirt for Edith, knowing Edith was between head spaces cause of the move.
"Yes, we have a lake in the back, pass the flower gardens."

As she was making her way out Cecily noticed Edith's eyes locked on a purple tutu.

"Do you want to wear that?" Cecily grabbed the tutu.

Edith shook her head, "no," she said in a small voice barely a whisper, walking back out and crawling into bed to find her bunny she sat Buttercup safely in the tent with a book.

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